Why did we get shilled this gem?
Why did assblaster do it?
Why did we get shilled this gem?
Why did assblaster do it?
it's always about the same. good vs. evil. they will need us
Assblaster just confirmed it, some user posted a link to an old warosu and it was a link shill thread pre ico like August 17 or something . What's funny as it's identical shilling as you'd see now
got link to it?
We got shilled presale links, no whitepaper, once the whitepaper came out, just before ico, any user with a semblance of intelligence knew it was the real deal. Co authored by the head of Cornell's CS faculty, pretty much the only white paper that looked like an academic treatise and that deep dived into it's concept with a focus on security and mathematical proofs. Holy shit, it was fucking obvious, assblaster was only really enjoyed because of confirmation bias. Chainlink was the diamond, we were so lucky to get this chance and every user Fudded it knowing what they had and what it was worth.
Link to the link fren?
I often wonder about AB. It’s clear he still comes here because you can’t escape Jow Forums, but why did he step into the shadows?
>assblaster was the one to shill this first
fucking nulinkers i hate every one of you
please tell me more user, Christ fag here. thanks!
god bless animechan for giving us those presale addresses
I remember everyone was so mad that people contributed over what the apparent cap was so everyone thought we would just get refunded ETH but they paid out LINK anyway
Personally I miss Uncle Oldfag
he still posts here fren, we was battling WhaleKiller the other day
>KEK id
Ultimate buy sign. He posts, slight pause, we pump
KeK is feeding us with Link. Pay attention.
He gives up so easily these days
>kek hates nulinkers
the remaining good forces are uniting for a last battle. some of you are chosen and given the resources. pi-zz-a gate is real, Q is real.
Why the hell are they afraid of frogs? Those types aren't even poisonous kek
This. We’re going to be earning those lambos boys. Believe it.
Unfortunately not but you could probably find it by searching the archive
Thou hast spoken.