Imagine not owning link right now.
Imagine not owning link right now
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who
> announcement of an announcement
> beginning of the end
based fernandi ribeiro Diego Batista Cavalcanti
Alfredo Zanetti Ambrósio
Michel Saraiva Nakamura
Thiago Alencar da Fonseca
Fabrício Mantovani Sato
Vicente Cavalcanti Belchior
Kléber Souza Álvarez
Cauã Branco Leitão
Fernando Cardoso Clemente
Cláudio Duarte Pinho
What an absolute unit. Vid related
Fuck this fagot for manipulating the market. Never thought my future would depend on bearded gnomes trolling on twitter
>three retweets
>responsible for the pump
Literally this
post the fucking fernando announcement picture again
how can one man be so based?
we are all gonna get feijoada'd
*ting ting ting*
have the same sentiment. fucking 2 GCP announcements and confirmation of a Google partnership didn't push this pass $2, but this guys #dointspoilcloudexpo tweets fucking pushes it to $2.17 so far.
crypto space is retarded
>despite only making up 13% of the population, ...
guys i don't feel too good about this one...
have my finger on the sell button while i watch this conference
he looks like that gentleman pepe holding a glass of champagne
>tfw gonna get to surf the rest of 2019 knowing i'm not a nolinker
>even secured my bag by getting it into a wallet last week
It feels so fucking good man.
One has to love how trading destroys the illusions about the world that everyone harbors. The world isn’t retarded. You’re just an ignorant jackass
gee, you think? lel
Ignorant to the fact that literal gossip has a bigger effect on price than official statements? Idiot, this is all about the "illusions the world harbors".
>2 GCP announcements and confirmation of a Google partnership didn't push this pass $2
They raised the base level.
FINNA MOON, this is singularity lads
Oh I'm sorry, is that a new all time high?
And they raised the level of anticipation.
Chainlink is an entirely different ballgame after Google Cloud.
Swingers swing by their own rope
Solves the landscaping problem.
That faggot looks straight off the Reddit boat. What happened to you Jow Forums?
Sold half my stack just now.
Link went past 24ksats. Everything depends of daddy btc
Right now thats around 2.71c
the shills beat the fudders and reddit newfags have destroyed this board
how's that ropeburn feeling?
Is 5.6k enough to make it???
Not an incel... but I stopped everything I was doing to stare at this picture
Pretty comfy, i could buy in for more linkies already
the intro is very bullish, theyve painted the last 20 years of computing and are leading up to whats next.
Who isdthis faggot fernando and why is it good for my stinkers?
>buying into conference hype
Smart contracts are basically programming logic but for mainstream transactions. It's the next big step.
>gossip is better than facts
kys dunning kruger
The absolute state of nulinkers.
Same. Got almost 1k now. Feels good to finally be a Jow Forumsard.
In Silicon Valley with Oracle after rumors of a Microsoft as well as a Google partnership. When is this shit gonna be real enough for you faggots?
Hey guys I went all into LINK 7 days ago, I bought 2 Ether's worth and I'm super excited!
I'd bet 10 bucks to 100 that link will dump with the conference, but I wouldn't be 10 to 1000 on it. The potential pay-off is so huge I don't mind the 90% probable dump.