Attached: pp.jpg (705x527, 247K)

more than me :(

I only have 2k but I'm fucking smitten

Heh. I once had 45k, Now 25k.

No clue why I sold

Fuck you I only have 1,7k!

You gon 1.2 times make it fren

>yes God, I want to sell my tickets to heaven to Satan

i have 100 :) still 100k will help me out at this age

I only have 287
fuck my life.
I was here when Jow Forums shilled it at 50cents and put my meagre amount into it, promising not to sell or trade with it. it has been far and away my best-performing crypto.
would someone send me some pls, i wish to have 1K.
i am imagining it - i see it happening - it will happen!


I had 12k but half of it is locked up in FTM :(

>i only have 252 bitcoin

Ask yourself this, what price would you buy some at if the market dips? What price do you reasonably expect it to hit based on the things you've read? And what price would you start selling some at?

same. Got rekt on ftm pump then dumped with a few hundred links of my small stack

>i only have 12k BTC
>i only have 12k ETH

just make sure you have iron hands marine...

Attached: 1557267110476.png (500x500, 242K)

!tipbot $1.00 LINK
sent ;)

>price locked 100k of my linkies at 1 dollar


I have eleven LINK. Just eleven.

i only have 570 LINK :( Am i going to make it? By "make it" i mean 5000$ from investment would make me happy

there's only 21 million btc and 100 million eth in circulation while there are 1 billion link


Is this the fucking definition of making it nowadays?

JFC, fuk off. Many people here think of financial freedom when using phrase ‘making it’, we’re talking about millions of dollars here. Retiring before the age 30.

Buy more fucking link you pajeet.

>today user only has 287 LINK
>2020 user only has $287,000
>2025 user only has $2,870,000
>2030 user only has $28,700,000
gee, must fucking suck to be you, senpai

Attached: FB69FB1B-5CBF-4998-A11C-8BB5724B8672.jpg (589x2244, 493K)

I bought $200 link a year and a half ago as a wedding present for a friend. I sold it all but now I have 1600 link. I hope he doesn't try to cash in because I think link was 50 cents at the time

Fuxk off beggar bitch

have 1k


what about me? i only got 907

same, I got 12k too. I was gonna buy another 4k too during that very last dip to 45 cents, but THREE DAYS before my check cleared was when LINK went apeshit up past $1.

not going to sell until 2022.
i am not a smart man.

will take out a 40k€ loan and blow it all on
BTC 30%
XRP 30%
LINK 40%
Am i gonna make it ?

>I only have 1200 ETH

Post proof or op is just LARPing to induce fud

Yeah most likely, if all goes well with the rest of the market.

> taking out a loan to buy crypto

you serious?

>is this a sell signal?

yes..and my ave sucks
its 1.20

(and you sell on time of course) I would keep a % left aside just in case it goes much higher. I personally am looking for $20 - $30 which relies on the market as a whole. I'll likely sell in batches.

I have put my entire student loans in link (and still loaning more and accumulating since I'm still a student)

1.5 here, I'm glad to hear you have your suicide stack ready at 12K. I will have to wait a long time to ever "make it" but when I do, I hope you have the beach spot in Thailand where I plan to retire ready for my arrival user.

actually more like 907
not even 1000

hmmm but i don't see any pending deposits.

its going to the moon

You’re on the wrong subreddit bro no one cares.

o i thought you were sending me 1k like a good link marine nvm

No begging in my thread

Attached: 21.png (1369x770, 161K)

no not now its was a month ago

12 million dollars isn't enough for you to make it?

the thought of only having 10k makes me want to off myself


How much FIAT are you going to give the normies in your life who doubted LINK?

I'm thinking 0

Wish I wasn't a pov fag, I bought 15 linkies at $1 another 15 at $1.30 and exited all other shitcoins today before the announcement to get another 20 linkies. Even if it reaches $200 and i get $6000 it'll hugely help me out but fml wish i had more I could invest.

feel free to send 1 link


I have 3.8k link and I’m not even happy that it’s mooning because I wish I had more. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Don't worry OP, we all know 10k is enough to m-m-make...it's enough to m-m-make....


Attached: C11096A6-F493-4161-8356-53203342EEA5.png (549x413, 139K)

oh god 1 guy posts his address and now every fucking povertyfag destroys the thread hoping to get gibs

get fucked, ridicule is the only thing you're getting

Greed. Some of you all need to thank Baby Jesus for the opportunity to even make profit off of Crypto and be happy for it.

Attached: flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg (705x1000, 149K)

There is no limit to the price of Link. All you have to do is hold. Congratulations, we are going to make it.

Being sincere, what return on your LINK investment would you be happy with as a medium expectation?

Consider the fun and meaning gained since finding chainlink an extra return

I'm up x10 my loan and am paying the monthly with my wages

Amen. Jesus loves us and guides us.

buy UND, 5x your BTC. buy more link. that easy, fren.

there are far less than 1 billion link...
350m circulating. when the network is mature (in 3-4 years) the majority of circulating will be locked up in nodes/staking. putting the actual amount of link for purchase on exchanges easily below 100m.

very tempting to convert some into BTC

Attached: LINK BTC.png (1144x443, 44K)

Difference between Jow Forums and the Jews. nice dubs

not everyone is murrican 5000$ would probably pay of rest of my bachelor and entire masters

It's easy to say this in hindsight

that's not making it idiot
making it means financial freedom not a gateway to wagecucking

im gunna take my link and stick it in my stinky

I bought 1 ETH as a wedding present in May at $140, wedding is in December so far so good.

I only have 1.3k, why do you guys complain so much?

Depends on your current income. If NEET I would cash out at least a year’s worth of expenses