So I'm gonna drop a grand on BTC when it corrects down and then HODL to the moon, my question is when I actually hit the buy button on coinbase at lets say 6k, will I get my BTC at that value even if it shoots up to lets say 15k while I wait for the transaction to complete ? (im aware coinbase is notorious for up to a week on BTC purchases) or will the amount of BTC i get be based on when the actual deposit is made ? Or does it not matter at all and I should just buy 1k worth now sell it immediately for fiat and then wait til the correction and convert it back to BTC?
Coinbase BTC purchasing
No coinbase will keep it at the price that was set when you started purchasing. They usually buy/sell a little bit under/above the price though, keep that in mind.
use coinbasepro, lower fees
>when it corrects down
sweet summer child
Fuck off with your poverty back to redit you have to have at the very minimum 1 BTC to post here
Send fiat to coinbase with bank, then send fiat to coinbase Pro and put a buy order at the desired price
You will buy a certain amount of the coin. You will have exactly that amount. The VALUE of that coin will change.
Buy $20 worth of coin if you are curious how it works
first off
>there will be no correction under 10k unless it completely crashes
>newfag why dafuq didn't you buy when BTC was 3k
to your question
I use coinbase and usually have to wait 3 business days, but it doesn't work like you lined out in your question. First you deposit FIAT to coinbase THIS takes a week. When FIAT is in your coinbase acc THEN you can decide to buy BTC or else. And if you have FIAT loaded on coinbase it is like any other exchange and you get BTC immediately for the current price if you buy.
Thanks bois, yno through the shitposting you guys are actually quick on the draw for helping out newbies
Do you guys know of any calculators that will help you project what you can make when you enter in on a specific coin at a specific time? Let’s say I throw in 1000$ at BTC right now when it’s at 11k what would my possible cash out be at 20k?
look I serisouly doubt that you should put any money in crypto if you don't know basic math.
Because of people like you who don't understand anything (I bet you have never read a whitepaper) Crypto became a bubble and crashed at the begin of 2018. 10x something is nice, but that does only work because people like you that don't know anything, haven't done a single minute worth of research, how BTC works, what it even is, BUY THE TOP.
people like you and OP will always lose money
Jow Forums has made me more money than I've ever had in my life. Not that much compared to some, mind you. Just giving back, fren. Make 100% sure that you research every single thing getting shilled like crazy on this board. 90% is bullshit, look for the 10% and consistency in the memes.
>when it corrects down
stopped right there
either buy now or wait for eternity
Lol this is top tier b8, absolutely gaurunteed to rustle some jimmies here
USE a debit card if you wanna purchase instantanipussly....otherwise ya gotta wait many business moons for the shit to transfer from a checking account.
>when it corrects down
Haha any day now... :)
Kinds Harsh, guess I’ll eml
damn I fell for it, hopium this board isn't that retarded
Top kek
If you're doing this you may as well use Robinhood if you're just going to hodl. They don't charge fees at all
actually I only hold shitcoins like VIDT but you need to convert FIAT to BTC somehow I guess.
though you are probably refering to OP
Just verify yourself on coinbase and you can transfer from a checking account, and coinbase will make the funds instantly available for trading.
I did this Saturday morning, transfer from checking to USD wallet and then buy bitcoins. Coinbase let me buy instantly even though banks were closed. No wait. The bank transfer just hit my account today.
One point, when you do this, coinbase locks the bitcoin (or other crypto) and you can’t trade it until the bank transfer clears, but at least you can buy instantly. Not good for day trading, but if you’re holding it’s convenient.
i tried this. The funds go right to coinbase but transferring them to coinbase pro isn't allowed right away and theres a 7 day hold between the two platforms
im getting a good vibe from chain but ive only just started trading so i missed my 10x gains and i'll have to settle for 5x, problem is im starting with only triple digits so i dont see the mkaing it any time soon
really? where are you from? cause in europe it takes 1-2 days to make transfer from the bank to coinbase, and then you can move all the money from coinbase to coinbase pro in literal seconds
Nobody is going to tell you, but accept the reality. Buy now or get fucked. Either you already have at least 1 btc or you are a dirty plebbit pajeet who is trying to scrape the bottom.
Same with Gemini. Way better than coin base.