$2.50 waiting room

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck dude, we are gonna blow through this so fast, you might as well make a 3.00 waiting room while you are at it

`don't tell me what to do

Wrong. This is your last chance to sell above $2.00. Take your profits now. Many of you should be in 6 figures. Wait for the recession and buy assets on the cheap. This will be the one chance most of you have in life. Don't fuck it up.

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Imagine not being all in on Chainlink Nazarov Vision (LINKNV). The one and only true original Chainlink. I shiggy diggy.

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>mfw 100k portfolio at $2.5

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we over 2.20 now frens

not telling what to do user, just riding the hype euphoria right now. I got a little excited.

Plase guys when will you stop fudding on reddit? At 5$ will you stop fudding, I need normie help, I'll turn to 30 next year and I would like to enjoy alittle bit life
With your fudding you are delaying the 200$/300$ of 4 years and 30years old boomer they are penalized

no worries sorry for being snippy ;)

Premined scam coin.

just relax user, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the end of the summer.

all good user, have a nice brapper for your thread

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I know this is bait but unironically closer to the truth than most retards on here can accept

>tfw 20 year old zoomer
get fucked boomer, you had your chance with btc and eth. link is for the zoomers.

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Sell at 2.43
Don't say you weren't warned.

This gif, this timing.

remember that part about never fucking selling?

>mfw I considered selling my linkies at 1.82 yesterday but fell asleep instead

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Fuckkkkkkk, pov-fag with 50 linkies, bought 15 at $1 another 15 at $1.30 and exited all cryptos to get another 20 fucking LINK, this shits unironically gonna be huge

feel free to send 1 link frens :(


I've never had this much money in my life, im literally shaking . is it going to be ok? is there any psychological studies on what happens as someone makes it? it doesnt feel healthy or right im just scared

Good job

Were all frens here
30 yo boomer here with a 35k stack. Boomer life not so bad fren, still in your prime until ~45 with the access to premium modern meds we’ll have access to with our Link wealth

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we've literally just begun.... i hope your hands aren't weak user

Don't try to block your emotions. Let them flow through but don't make any decisions considering your investments when you're in an emotional mindset.

Why are the cloud expo videos so bad? It is like they hired interns to follow around a tech illiterate boomer. Actually the sets are even worse than what I would expect from interns. I wish I were joking.


It's like that bit at the end of beauty and the beast where he twirls around and turns into a handsome blonde guy

I am preemptively very happy for this user

thanks you guys, you really are my best frens. i've a somewhat massive wallet, and many would call me a link whale but yes im not impervious to emotions much like anyone else. i know in my heart i will never fucking sell, mostly my anxiety goes firstly towards protecting whats been earned and that in and of itself is stressful as well.

I hope you all make it, and i know that if you hold your linkies with iron hands you all will.

t. top 400

This. LINKers are seeing the light now that we're in green properly. The threads are getting upvoted more.

Basically FUDding for fun is turning into shilling for fun and the flood gates are opening more as marines now have a taste, and want to see how high it can go this cycle.

we have actually already made it. this price action you see is just your body trying to prepare you for your life post singularity

I had REQ pumped so high once but lose it all by not selling, If I had LINK i would sell right know and enjoy the gains instead of crying for a missed oportunity the rest of the year.

>This will be the one chance most of you have in life. Don't fuck it up
this much of your post is true

>i considered selling my link
never going to make it

The difference being LINK is revolutionary tech that literally everyone will be using within 5 years time, and REQ is shitcoin vaporware.


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>the guy who lost all his money is handing out advice

never gonna make it

>that 150,000 sell wall

almost 2.40

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This didn't age well

We are in this together. We will never sell.

When's the next talk?