Should I buy LINK now or wait for a dip?
Should I buy LINK now or wait for a dip?
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wait for the dip to $6
You made your bed. Now lie in it.
buy now, watch the conference, if nothingburger and dumping, sell and buy the dip
you don't want to miss the moon mission in the off chance that it happens
What dip?
You’re two years too late retard.
if you have any doubt, look at these numbers
the dip to 0 cents when they just fork the contact and delete the useless token.
I already invested my shit. I'm gonna do it for a friend now because he wants in.
All of the above.
You had your chance to buy the dip OP.
When they shadowfork it after the conference
Assume there will never be a dip. Accumulate regardless.
Doesn’t matter. We’re going to 1k and beyond.
When it corrects from $10 to $8.75
The holiest of quads reveals the truth. The time for a dip is over Anons. We are going nowhere but up for a year or more.
buy the rumors sell the news. Honest anwser just wait for the dip.
Don't bother, today is just another Discord pump and dump. Buy back on $1.
The dip is here, faggot. Get in now or regret it
based quints
op already missed the dip
Lol first me, now u.
Im adding more to my own stack now.
I bought the pump last week at 2.04 and never fucking selling now. Learned my lesson.
>a dip
I'm as bullish on LINK as anyone but this is 100% going to crash the second this faggots speech is done or probably even before that. This has nothing to do with chainlink as a project it is just basic market psychology.
You had two years.
buy weekly regardless of price
we blue chip now
It does seem pretty useless. Why cant they just pay the fees with ethereum?
>He thinks this isn't the dip
Lol, nolinkers
Always buy
because eth will be used for the gas tax
>what is theshold signitures
and because LINK will be collateral for smart contracts worth trillions of dollars collectively
FOMOBUY like your future wealth depends on it.
This is what all "smart" (i.e., not vested ((link marines))) will do.
Its ATH so time to sell swingie
>why cant dollars be used to pay for things?
>because dollars are used to pay for the tax, duh
Also you can just hold ethereum as collateral. This token is being shoehorned in.
What are we expecting end of august or september?
t. 500 linkies
Habanero salsa does it for me
How about you shoehorn these green dildos up your ass you liter nolink fagmaster?
See you at $100 in a couple weeks you 80 IQ fucking retard.
What are your expectations at the conference ?
Wait for dip
I will personally be waiting for it to dip back under $6 from $11.
Trips are the price of LINK EOY