Why shouldn't the most important jobs be the most high paying jobs?
Why shouldn't the most important jobs be the most high paying jobs?
Define important.
I mean we can certainly agree that some jobs are more important than others, like doctors and engineers are perhaps in the top, and "gender studies majors" are at the very bottom. But where do you go from there?
'important' is a gay term and will lead you to the wrong conclusions
>Why shouldn't the highest valued skills result in the most high paying jobs?
Because it's a free market
because if it's easy and a lot of people can do it then someone's gonna do it for less than you
and someone less than him
Jobs that actually contribute something tangible to the world. Farmers and teachers should be up there. Mechanics and construction workers too (people who can fix / build things). But these are all lower-middle class jobs and looked down upon, while people who literally do nothing at all except sitting and talking can rake in millions.
>offer 1 million dollars per year to pick fruit
>everyone quits their job to pick fruit
Supply and demand.
Being a garbage-collector is objectively more important than being a doctor. But given that everyone with a truck driver licens can become a garbage-collector in a matter of days, and it takes almost a decade to become a doctor, then there are a lot more people able to take the garbage-collector job.
Supply and Demand. It's not a theory, it's Natural Law.
>push globalhomo nwo
>3 months off
>every state / fed holiday off
>100% healthcare
>100% pension
>need 8th grade education to teach 7th grade
Because one person idea of important doesn't apply to all of the people that pay money for jobs to get done.
Maybe we can raise their pay once they stop churning out brain dead criminals.
We should all be ashamed that our education system is producing this sort of economic illiteracy.
Genocide ALL teachers
>mechanics/construction workers
Did they invent the tools they use? Did they create the parts they use? Did they book the jobs or get the contract? Did they pay the lease for the garage or the job trailer?
The people at the top make money because they enable all these lower people to do their jobs. Mechanic with no jobs is not a mechanic. He doesn’t know shit about running a business and marketing and he doesn’t have the capital to operate a garage so the boss man makes more money because he enables 10 mechanics to work.
In summation isn’t it more important to enable 10 people to do important jobs than to just do 1 important job?
Where do you think we'd be without them?
brilliant bait, but you went to hard with it. Not even the most bluepilled normie believes that
Sounds like someone is a homeschooled little weirdo
Economy of scale.
Guess we should give all our money to trees then
Fruit picking is piece work in BC, Oz, and NZ. Many make $300 a day. Great way to travel.
Beyond our solar system. At some point lot of students outsmart their teachers, realising the parasitic position they hold. I guess you aren't the smart one.
money does grow on trees, you just put them through a printing press
>print money
>pay higher wages
I don't see how Supply and demand has anything to do with this.
Money has a fixed supply, hence its value. You print more of them, you need more of them to buy the same thing. You destroy them, you need less of them to bay the same thing.
Teachers are virtually minimum wage babysitters. They don't make enough money to care about trying to do a good job or fight the fucked up rules they have to follow and force on children.
Ask the individuals who perform the "important" labor for cheap why they don't negotiate for a higher wage.
Because what is important for humans isn't necessarily important for profit in Capitalism.
To force savers to invest their money in risky assets and help pump fake economic numbers?
To sum it up: when the economy expands (demand for money growths) you can print more of them (supply). The inflation choice is functional to the stimulation of the economic system, to avoid that people keep their money "unused", and thus to encourage investments, that will led to an economic growth (and so the cycle will repeat). Also because inflation is preferred over deflation. The key is moderation.
More like because many humans will do the same job for less.
>Bob: "my college education tells me that this agriculture is the basis of society so to do this all day, incurring health risks from sun exposure, I'd need at least-"
>Jose: "Four dollars por favor"
>Mr. Shekelstein: "You're hired, Jose."
Child care is the most important job. Without children, there's no future. Why aren't child care workers paid more than lawyers?
Yes tyrone. You really really did deserve those gold stars for coloring. where would our society be without you....
>to avoid that people keep their money "unused"
it would be absolutely terrible if the goy werent forced to invest in the casin...stock market...
You don't have necessarily to invest them in the stock market. You can buy things to improve your life, you can start a business, you can do whatever you want. Tell me, do you prefer a deflationary system? Extreme inflation is destructive, but extreme deflation is annihilating.
one job that should pay more is EMTs. they make like $15 an hour on grueling shifts and literally save lives all day.
They are dumbass
I've always felt this was one of the most fucked up things.
t. tether ceo