I think im ready

maybe itll feel like im going home

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never bought link, eh? sorry user

i did, then i had to sell it

It’ll mostly feel like being strangled by a rope. Godspeed user good luck

She's waiting, user...

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If you know anyone that has Link they will help you in the future. You just prove to them what you had to do and they will lend you a mill or two. That is how we marines will be with our fallen soldiers.

This desu

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Go home hwite man.

I dont know anyone irl, just people on here,
I've made a few posts over the last few months about how comedy levels of shit my life has become on various threads, in 2018 I was comfortable (if not rich) and optimistic, shitposting $1000eoy with everyone else.
The trail of tears since last Christmas couldve filled 10years of my life.
>12k link between 32-37c
>boomer sells company and lose comfy admin job ive had since high school
>sell some link to cover
>family member dies, lumbers me with oxycotin/gambling addict mother
>sell more link
>get mcjob of my dreams in a fucking ghetto
>addict at home steals everything
>sell last of stack to move into apartment block full of niggers to escape mother
>fight crackheads at work and at home all day
>sheboon boss gets angry at me for working
>nig downstairs brother gets out of prison
>risk life sleeping during the night smile.jpg
>trying to keep my head down and save funds to buy a car to escape again
>link moons

Honestly feels like I've pissed off some satanic interventionist daemon in a past life but its probably just the karmic balance of the universe fucking me for taking the easy job for granted in the first place, I never did anything academically to give myself a decent backup, I was always lazy even if I'm not so much now.
We werent all supposed to make it, there always bystanders when every coin moons, maybe this is just my turn and I'll get the next one.
I just need to block out reality for another couple of months, maybe I just accept the inevitable surrender now and rope myself. I cant even by a gun in this retarded town.

>comfy admin job ive had since high school
cant you search for another one? you have experience in this job and maybe some company will hire you again
send out dozens of applications

Anyone have the sergey version of this?

living near nigger was your first mistake user
your first investment should have been to gtfo even if you have to get a less well paid job it's nothing compare to peace of mind



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pls dont fren.

its all gonna be ok. were all gonna make it one day

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Remember hopelessness is just being half blind, never accurate. You can see this on the days you have enjoyed life.

I think a big amount of people who survive suicide feel huge regret during the moment it's happening. I bet a lot of the ones who die from it felt the same way but for them they didn't get that accidental second chance, it was set in motion and they died wanting to reverse what they did.

Basically you are going to die anyway eventually, so you might as well see if there's a better way to enjoy life more first while you have some time left to spend.

Watch Jordan Peterson videos and use the parts you relate to. He has solid stuff about this for men in too much suffering atm and could be a source of hopium and guidance for you. If not him find someone else on YouTube or in audibooks with positive helpful content.

You have enjoyed life well at a time before even if its hard to see to say otherwise is just being blind. And when you do life is good and worthwhile and your days feel lighter. So you can again.

Small steps growing somewhere you willingly would is a key. Building up in cool places to you in a manageable way. There's a lot of cool shit in our era. Growth mindset. Feeling better through exercise eating better eliminating toxic negative things like news social media and porn, getting and persuing cool hobbies, growing creatively in an area you like, reading relevant helpful books / audiobooks and enhancing your mindset, watching amazing films shows playing great games in balance. Just remember hopelessness is a bullshit trap of depression. The clouds will clear if you are patient and work through them in a manageable way you can, life is good again.

Link is a fucking scam user. Its going up, sure, but its not worth your life over some bearded fag running a securities scam. There will be more opportunities

>missed 2011 gold boom
>Missed 2017 btc boom
>missed antshares
>missed ETH
>missed the 50% chainlink rally last week

Have faith user, be strong. Just be on the lookout for more opportunities.

>cant you search for another one?
I have been on but its difficult right now as I want to leave this fucking city first (cleveland). Could go to the East coast or out West and be much better off.

Oh I know, this was always going to be temporary, 6 months max, it just fucking stings knowing I had top sell something to get here, that wouldve been enough for me to move elsewhere and start fresh even at just $2.
>get a less well paid job
kek, would you like onion rings with that is my current sales pitch

It may well be a scam, we dont know yet, but it just burns to know I had to keep selling when I couldve turned $4000 into $20000.
As I said in the post you replied to
>there always bystanders when every coin moons
It just so happens that I was holding before this one, I wasnt in eth, btc, gold etc and watched it rocketship

>you are going to die anyway eventually
Then killing yourself early in a shit situation isnt totally irrational?
Thats what I'm getting here.

we might not all make it, historically not everybody does.

I do hope you m8s go on to great things, this is just a /sad/posting moment for me personally.

were just at the beginning of the next cycle fren
there are lots and lots of oppoertunities to make more money with other coins beside link
just move the fuck away from these niggers asap
i would give you some eth if i would be rich and you would post some proof but im not...
i wish you the best and as he said were all gonna make it somehow

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