UUU done fucked up

New fucking highs. Look at GET and SHE on Huobi. The whale has barely started UUU.

Thank daddy cakes for sharing this for weeks.

Attached: DC957FE3-55A6-4C07-9B55-FD4CDA076EB2.png (250x250, 21K)

Drop to 49 sats plz

Its still perfectly parabolic

I sold my 100k stack at 22$ mil mcap, so triggered right now

It’ll probably hit $60m

It won’t quit lol

can't wait for you idiots to get rekt


>FUD since unironically 14 sat
>Profits taken by anyone smart with HUGE gains still riding
>brainlet: "kek cant wait for you guys to get fucked"

you're acting like you're some smart dude but you're just a fucking idiot that got lucky that his shitcoin is being pump and dumbed by huobi bots or whatever, literally kill yourself

>me: Bought at the bottom. Sold a portion at first peak. Rebought the trough. Held and exited full principal at 48 sat.
>you: made no money. Rage post that you missed out. Will continue to miss the pump.

here ya go

Attached: 234b23b.jpg (512x278, 44K)


saying the pump has barely started is being a brainlet
i never bought this absolute shitcoin, i hope you're aware that pumps like this are usual on huobi, its gambling, so what do you want me to say? congratz on the gains but don't act like a cunt, that's all

understanding a market whale and their objectives by reading their walls, trades and volume is arguably a stronger skill than trying to chart shit coins using decade old TA

kek mate whatever. you totally predicted this pump

I bought two days before it started. So I certainly predicted it ;)

keep the cope

sure buddy

keep the cope

give me the free bumps

OP am I too late for this one? Also which other coin do you recommend?

Im thinking it will hit $60m market cap.

I have a couple nice coins in mind but 06+QWD6r says I dont know what Im doing so I cant share with you guys :(

what cope? you didnt predict anything, in fact im 99% you're larping and bought after the pump like a retard and got lucky lmao

no, buy the top of a x6 pump what could wrong

>no skill
>assumes no one else can have skill

and SHE and GET went over 20x lawl

lmaoing at that passive aggressive ":("

sarcastic you sub-130 cretin.

>will never make it

thank daddy cakes when UUU hits 70 sat today

what skill you absolute moron? dead chink shitcoins pump left and right on huobi, saying you bought the bottom (start of june) and predicted the pump is laughable

it probably will as long as the chinks keep the bots turned on,nothing to do with skill kek

first buy: June 5th 5:43pm
ROI: 401%

eat daddy's ass

price $0.0011

I also bought btc at 1 cent

Anyway, can you share the other coins?

I bought in March, ROI 1100%, and I say this is going to dip back to 30m mc

buy any chink shitcoin on huobi that still hasnt pumped and hope they turn the bots on


Lol you’re an absolute chode

UUU got Big dick energy

sure buddy, look at XMX for example, dead chink shitcoin that pumped x6 out of nowhere, just like UUU, now fuck off