Just wanna see what we all think
Is 1k link enough to make it guys?
$1mil eoy mate
Is 28 links enough to make it? All I could afford. Serbian here.
you need 15k link to make it
fuck you! I could only afford 1 Link.
50 brate!
Lets HODL together
Did i make the right decision?
Loving the memes guys!
Nope. Sorry bucko. If you want to make it you need to be early or have a lot of investment capital. You can't be late and poor.
So what you’re saying is Link will never, ever get to $10 let alone $1000?
Define making it. For me in the USA, 1k is making it. Will probably pay off home with the gains. I'm not a meet so I was working toward making it already
I have 50k and that’s not even making it so good luck w 50x less. Really should just be buying more
If 10000 is your definition of "make it"that can happen. But that's not really life changing money for most people with internet access and time to shitpost
No. Stop asking.
1k is suicide stack. you will be glad you got to make some bands but you will always be bitter you couldn't get more
10k to make it. and by "make it" i mean that you can enjoy a middle class lifestyle without ever having to wagecuck. you're still not rich
100k to actually make it aka become rich and powerful. you won't be able to lose your status even if you waste money like a degenerate
ultimately selling price is what matters. a 1k linklet who holds for years will completely humiliate a 20k holder who sells at 10$
but yeah anything less than 1k is not even a suicide stack. you will be the equivalent of those who knew about btc and eth early on but didn't/couldn't invest. you will make some money and that's it
37 tokens here, folks. Need 1k EoY to make it in my shithole country.
nice fud
Heil dubs. I genuinely hope you make it man.
Know the feel. I accumulated 200 LINK through 2018 and have 24 LINK to swing on exchange.
I hope we make it, user.
>third worlders with sub 100 link
how hard is it to at least hit triple digits
$10 is possible maybe in like a year when the product is more developed
Oko 230 ovdje moj crnjo. Nagovorio ujaka da ulozi i dao mi 1000kn da ulozim.
this has to be bait
if not get out you stupid nigger faggot jew muslim discord tranny
It's the traditional suicide stack. Should be good for a million. Probably like $20million if you hang onto it for a couple years.
Link is the only crypto that matters.