Top 10 next, i salute you marines
I'm gonna wake up any minute.
You ain’t seen nothin yet kid
Holy balls. This is happening to fast.
Ducks NOT in a row..
I can't believe it
I had fuckers telling me this was a shitcoin but I bought some anyway
I would have bought more but I wasn't sure, that was last year
serves you right for not being able to think for yourself. You’ll sell early anyways
Not even 1 billion mcap.
Imagine 100.
I wish I had more than 2200. But we’re all here marines. They laughed at us. But here we are. Enjoy the ride.
Did anyone screencap my fucking post from last thread?! I said it would break #20 eod!!
I cant believe it, I cant believe I witnessed chainlink at rank 100 a year ago, oh lord.
>They laughed at us. But here we are.
We're still laughing at you, Jason. You're STILL broke. Big boy went up THIRTY SEVEN CENTS! WOW!
Most of the other tokens above chainlink are scams desu
I love all you faggots
t. etherdelta buyer
I can't breathe.
what wallet do i get to store link, pls help
Me too. Thank god I got at least 2.5k so i dont need to kill myself now
Buy a ledger
i use metamask
>37 cents PER TOKEN
That means a gain of $814 @2200 tokens
HEAVENS YES BROTHERS!!! May I remind you that we all predicted this shit 3 hours ago!
This is bittersweet. I always knew this would happen but now that the biggest gains are behind us I'm kinda sad.
I used vintage myetherwallet last time but I don't like it. It shows you your private key to write down but to see your address one needs to enter the PK to website and unlock the wallet. I wish I could create a paper wallet without worrying about keyloggers stealing my PK.
What are those literally who Shitcoins anyway?
NEM? Ontology?
Aren't these just Chink scam? WTF, how are they even in the top 500?
I don't feel safe with ledger which can be lost or destroyed. Paper wallet let's me store multiple copies at various places.
buy a ledger... still got to use mew to transfer though
its all fake hype retard. there no single working usecase...network not up..it will tumble down. new digimerines getting genarated now
Niga its best performer last 360 days how hard can you cope?
got 10k suicide stack at ico for 2200ish$ I have 23$k now lol
23k on suicide stack....
Want to kys i heltd 90% in btc/eth now but whateva
Stay poor
no sweetie
same here
33k stack at 22 cents avg
my goal was to reach 77k but had an unexpected crysis
>he doesn’t know yet
Today is the day I finally realized I will succeed in life. Even if Link fails and Sergey gets killed in car accident I have enough knowledge to find gems or sustain my well diversified portfolio to end wagecucking well before the time of the so called "pension" how boomers call it. Thanks bois, thanks Jow Forums for fucking redpilling me for life.
wait for Q4, thanks kek
Wow man that's huge. I wish I could make 800 bucks some day.
>best performer
This has no relevance in the realm of technology. It 'did well' in a market of shitcoins following BTC, does that mean its good? Does that mean its not an illegal ICO soon to be unavailable to Americans while having 65% centralized supply and having no network of decentralized oracles?
Boinonce coin is like $30, doesn't mean it won't evaporate in 18 months. What does the little leapfrogging of 3000 shitcoins have to do with how good something actually is. These aren't stocks you faggot Gekko wannabe.
You realise ledgers function the same as a paper wallet?
You have a backup phrase or collection of words, if that doesn't get destroyed you can just buy another ledger.
Nothing is stored on the ledger itself, it's just used to sign the transactions
yessssss ganesh thank u sirs very gud have 25 link buy ugly wife goat
I've been at work for 6 hours now. Is $1000/hr a good wage?
guys congratz to your link gains.
you do realize you need to convert them back to USD so that it's an actual "gain" ?
nice kid
How are you so fucking salty nolinker seriously cringed. I get that it's speculation but the performance, the team's delivery, the discretion all those things just click. You are fucking bum if you don't even throw a dime at this. I'm not by all means all in but after throwing 33% of my cash into link, it's really like 70-75% of my total portfolio at the moment. I never believed it to go so high so quick but here we are and you still fudding like a tranny. Fuck niggers!
Buy trezor, ledger has a huge bug where updates cause it to become bricked, they are covering it up, mine bricked right out of the box following all instructions
yeah LINK is run on hopium and expectations for the future. It's not a bad thing but if Sergey doesn't deliver long term Hopium will not be enough to keep it afloat.
metherwallet with a ledger or trezor
Yeah me too.
I missed sibos, but was in for sxsw and everything since. This has been wild
>the performance, the team's delivery
The only delivery in connection with ChainLink is the Uber Eats order for 8 Big Mac Meals. Two years and no network of decentralized oracles. There's a reason they aren't already here, no one is bothering because it can't be executed properly. A philosophy grad with 5 mates aren't going to execute it. Your peril, like that of 98% of LINK holders is that you don't even fucking understand programming. You don't actually know anything about tech, therefore you're easily duped with no effort. Like talking pseudo-tech to a boomer who laps it up. You don't understand what you've invested in.
We are ahead of MakerDAO.....
holy fuck. What a journey its been thus far. And its only just starting.
Insane. Love everyone who has been on this journey with me.
Galera, vende tudo agora, minha apresentação não tem nada a ver com o que estão dizendo por aqui!
No this is real. I had a dream link went to $3 and that was before I even really knew about it. Then I found this community and realized it’s real. Everyone in this thread deserves to be rich. Just like everyone in the pol and g threads back in the day when bitcoin was only a few dollars. Some of us missed that ship but a new one awaits.
I'm terrified of this being a genuine, unironic post, and I never use the word unironic.
We are doing positive investment meme magic here and if you don’t like it then you can go outside.
>mfw i didnt miss the ship
>mfw extreme poorfag but i got 20 link
if this even goes to $100 dollars it will be more money ive ever had in my entire life, even after mom and dads car accident i didnt get that much after hospital bills and lawyers were paid
The fucking breadcrumbs can fill a whole baking pan at this point though. Something’s gonna click.
we're coming for that #2 spot...
How many link? I’m a poorfag too and I just found out about this shit but I got 600.
When is the fucking link speech
its at 1:35 PST
I have 3k and I'm afraid I'll never make it.
Binance is pumping ChainLink...
when the bots stop, don't be the last bagholder..
good thing about link is that sergey knows he needs companies to be behind it. That's why all of this shit probably started because of a swift poc.
link to stream?
quit being a retard. convert them to BTC.
That's because you're a moron and does not deserve to own any crypto.
We invested in memes
t; 11k linklet
Don't worry fren. Once the fake linkers start selling off, 11k will be a link whale.
Still such a long way to go until top 3.
Only two zeros buddy
It's actually at 2:35
Is it worth to invest now or should I expect it to dip below 2$?
It’s the highest valued erc20 token right now. It’s got nowhere to go but down
Ok, now this is epic.
Kek. Yeah user wait for the dip. You won’t miss out on Oracle or Azure or anything like that. Just wait for the dip.
Completely new to crypto and such, and by no means wealthy. Should I stick £50 in or is that too insignificant a sum to be worthwhile at this stage
You can use myetherwallet offline though.
If I had a leftover laptop or old computer I would just use that as a hardware wallet. Put myetherwallet on it and sign transactions on it without it touching the internet ever again
We're going top 10 in a week.
Screencap this.
I out in $50 when it was at $0.50
Invest whatever you feel comfortable doing when you feel like it
I bought a little eth when it was at $1000, but selling it for link on its way down helped keep me from going into the red
There's at least another 2x in this bull run for link, I'd wager
Kek at this metaphor but ya, agreed
im a newfag and i only have 500 link. i wish i couldve been there early with you guys. Im sorry bros.
contain your excitement you narrow minded dolts. This can fall quick fast so temper your expectations. I own link but I'm not delusional to think we're on an infinite upward trajectory
Half a million bucks is not too bad fren.
Even a crash to $1 would still be a 3x for me, and many anons. Let that sink in
got 1500 link. lets praise for good merits.
yeah im going to need a guide on how to do this link thing cuz i'm a gaymer
Not for long. We're going down thanks to these weak handed faggots.