ITT: post how much more chainlink you should have had. All sins will be forgiven. We are all in this together
> 12k
ITT: post how much more chainlink you should have had. All sins will be forgiven. We are all in this together
> 12k
I have like 4300. I could have like 8000 or 1000 if i did not wasted money and got a gf.
40k, have 25k
I never got to 50K!!!!!!!
119k now at 75k
I sold half my stack for ONE. I literally want to kill myself
could have had 100k LINK if i went all in instead i have boomer stocks worth of 50k USD and 50K link FML
In April when it was around 50c i was supposed to get $500K in a settlement. I was going to spend about $75K of that on Link giving me 150K Link. The day before the settlement it got pushed to July. I have 12K Link. I am so fucking dejected bros it feels retarded to be sad about getting more money but I just barely missed out on potentially millions
>had 75k
>now 9k
life is suffer
i could have had 256k, i even put the order into the book. at the time though, nothing was a given. it was still etherdelta to get link.
i am happy with what i hold.
Bought req instead
Could have had about 50k. Instead traded options on stocks, poorly. Still think I'm going to make it with my stack of 11k, but could have been more.
I have 600. I wasnt paying attention when Bitcoin corrected to the low last year, and the last thing I did before I stopped paying attention was bought a small bit of link. What a fucking mistake
I have 6.7k linkies but I also have 1 btc and 36 with, so I'm okay. I bought in at about .78 cents, so the only regret I have is not buying earlier
had 85k link. now zero. fuckked up big time
had 23k, swung traded down to 18k
got in at presale for 6c
sold at 27c
Holy fuck
In march 2018 I briefly went all in LINK and had 202k, no shitting. That was from a 50k usd initial investment.
Then I fell for the diversification meme and lost tons of sats over the summet. Put 20k USD more into my folio but it hardly helped. When I went back all in LINK last october I could only afford 110k LINK.
Then I sold at mainnet and fomo'd back in a week later. 86k stack now. If I'd simply held since last year and accumulated I probably would have at least 250k LINk now. And also been in the clear for long term capital gains. So I basically JUST'd myself -60% thanks to my weak hands and short attention span. The urge to swinglink to build my stack back up is so strong. I moved all my tokens to my ledger last week to resist temptation. I cucked myself beyond belief. Just hoping 80k is enough to make it in two years time, I don't think I can handle wagecucking any longer than that.
Newfag linklet here with 108
Will I make it?
How are you still alive?
I literally forget about Cryptos in 2018. I didnt look at my portfolio after the "crash".
I literally didnt have time to do anything.
I lterally saw Chainlink mooning.
I literally run to my computer and boot up my Binance account to think i have thousands of dollars.
I literally realized i sold my Link for Neo. I wish i was kidding.
This was my last transaction from 2018.
I bought fucking Neo.
I started crying i went to my gf and cried for minutes saying i would have been in Lamboland like i always told everybody in 2017/2018.
had 10 k links
sold them for req in 2017. It was a good choice back then.
>I held Req.
>140 links
I own a business and my worker bought a truck for the business. I told him not to and only buy for himself. But he didn’t listen.
Later he had money issues and I told him that i’d buy the truck off him seeing as it was going to be used for the business anyways. I didn’t really need it and it cost me $5,000 which I would of fucking put into crypto and at least $2,000 of that to get another 5k link so that i’d have 10k link.
It sucks I want to tell him he costed me 20k with that fucking piece of shit truck but he’s a good worker and ultimately it was my own kindness that got me in this position. Can’t be too bitter though at least I got in at the bottom for most of my buys.
sell now retard. this is top least for this year. no news..mainnet no working. it will back below 50 cent soon.
screencap the transaction
I had 28k at one point, then sold 25.5k for BIS. BIS then did a x10 but I didnt sell, instead I just held them until the were worthless, then cryptopia got hacked and I lost them all. 2.5k LINK is what I have left, but going from 130k$ BIS to zero is more painful.
I sold my whole stack for ONE
13k minimum
I bought jnt instead of link when they were close to the same price but I got scameled
I thought people were being racist when they said don't do business with camelfuckers but they were right, you live and learn
i have 400 lol
>mfw 25 link just bought literally today
i can give you a dry shoulder for your tears, user.
I could have had 5k, but I made a bad flip and it's now 2.5
I should have had 45k but I decided to buy FUNFair and Vechain instead. Thanks Jow Forums...
me: 13k
familial: 27k
i should have 20k but i tethered half my stack in novemeber when BTC went down and took everything with it
Ho Lee Fuk
0. I don't buy into scams
I had 37k at the peak of the bull market in early 2018. Thought crypto was dead so I sold 12k of them at some point in late 2018, but couldn't bring myself to sell anymore, I needed to hold on to that 25k suicide stack just in case. Thank god I did that at least
Where can you buy chainlink other then binance?
I got into crypto this May when it was 60-90 cents. I could have 3xd by now. but ive only gained 25%
i had 13k
gambled away 10k
left with 3k now
Are we the same person
jesus h christ. imagine the regrets this user will have if hes still alive when his paper profits would be in excess of 1b+ in 2025.
You gambled and lost over $20,000 ... How .. why?
Is that you rkg? Kek
20k to 24k swinging mainnet and google and i have no idea what i'm doing. think gonna just sit on it while i've been lucky and repent for my swinging
Hey man 3k link will be a decent little chunk. A lot more than some people have
Started buying crypto again in September. Found out about Chainlink in March, only have 8k... should have at the very minimum 25k. Still happy that I have at least 8k - I'm up 100% overall as of today from $9k to $18k
Should have gotten to at least a 100k stack when it was at 17 cents.
>not buying into scams
>posting on biz
Had an alarm to buy 5k at .15. Bottomed out at .17
3k linklet so it would have been nice
Had 6k, now have 2k. I messed up
30k more if I had sold my REQ when I wanted to it, and when it was 1:1 with LINK. Instead sold it when it was 1:8 or so, kek. Haven't been able to eat mozarella since.
Used to have 20k, fell for the “take profits meme” too early.
Holding 1k now.
Oh man, rough
Had 13k in February that I held for 1+year
Now have 3.5k.
I want to die
Should have had 30k. Only have 14k. Singularity or bust.
Damn son with that xp hopefully u hold till 1k. T. Former 27k linkey. Nao 2074. Shorted btc when big doggg said to..
How fucking dumb do you have to be to sell something as legit as link for the most obvious fotw shitcoin ever?
You deserve this
Oh boo hoo you still get half a mil in a settlement. What, did a priest touch your pee-pee?
I only have 300. Meant to all in on with a $2000 loan when it was 1.76 but I got cold feet and called it off. I'll never make it.
Confess user, how did you fuck up this badly?
I remember REQ and LINK being the ultimate combo
I hope REQ eventually recovers. Or is it already doomed because of faster competition?
4,4k now. could've had 10k+ easy, but had a momentary lapse of faith and missed the summer sale. And after summer I was always broke as fuck, but when I managed to scrape enough for crypto, it was put on LINK.
29k at $1.25
I only found out about it halfway through May.
If only I knew about it a couple of weeks earlier.
50k here... Could have gotten to 75k if i read the wallpaper and knew wtf I was doing
>t. Early 2018 oldfag
I just started learning about this whole crypto game.
I have 66 link.
Bank transfer to coinbase will take 5 days to be available apparently. Fuck this life.
I applaud you user. Most swinglinkers are degenerate gambling filth. If you recognize how we'll you've done and stop now, you have a chance to avoid the rope.
>early 18 is oldfag
fuck you
5.5K. I was the retard teenager who bought at .60 and wanted to sudoku during the summer sale. Thank you marines. I am now immune to any FUD or price dips.
cashed out last july at the bottom and bought a gaming pc
no regrets, link is still a scam
Since when does take profits mean sell 95% of your golden ticket?
Does anyone know of the FASTEST way to buy link if you're just starting out?
pls frens app has instapurchase. Then move it to something like binance if you want to do actual trading.
last year i had 10k chain link AND like $4000 spread around in an assortment of shitcoins
at one point when all the crashes started i sold everything and lost a fuckton on bitmex, then got shilled into buying two shitcoins biz told me would MOON, and one of which ended up going -99%.
i literally had all the pieces i needed to succeed and lost everything
and even just in the past few months i have been fucking up, losing money trading shitcoins trying to make back my link stack. if i just put all my losses from 2018 back into chain link my portfolio would already be 10x from what it is now.
Only have 1k link
how fucked am i
Dunno brah, depends on your circumstances
For me that would still be a life changing amount of money. For others it's pocket change.
If you bought it early you'll still be making nice profit, you just won't be super rich.
nice job
I aimed for 15K+ as that's my rank in reserve irl, too.
Instead got 6.4K and 20K JNT. Thanks Hans!
29k, could have had 50k if I'd sold my fucking shit boomer stocks and my cat didn't get sick and cost me $4k
I once had 2k. If I had never sold, I'd be at about 2,300 right now. As it stands I have 328 link. I'm a neet and had to sell a bunch of link earlier to pay for food and medical bills. I'm hoping I'll start a job soon so I can get at least 1000 link again
Jesus dude!
I only have 200 ChainLink
The early majorjty is here.