There was this discussions about crypto using too much energy. What's the consensus at this point?
There was this discussions about crypto using too much energy. What's the consensus at this point?
Fuck PoW. Plenty of ways to solve this without burning the energy of a small country.
With the money I make from crypto I’ll buy an EV and make my house more sustainable with solar and wind. So it’s carbon neutral for me
Fuck hippies.
gold mining causes more pollution yet no one complains
it was never crypto that uses much energy, just mining
and all the miners post-2016 are moonboys so fuck them
Majority of miners seek out the cheapest forms of energy which most of the time is clean energy.
the lamest of "concern trolling" for nocoiners....muh green energy.
Just ignore them boys, once we hit reserve status, we going to build camps anyone for most betas so their concerns will never be heard from again
The real discussion: think about all the energy, food, water, and pre-pubescent children it takes to keep the worldwide fiat banking scheme going.
Pi address this.
it uses the amount of energy that is voluntarily directed at it by the marketplace. i.e. precisely the correct amount of energy.
Mining proof of work cryptos provide a huge financial incentive to use and develop renewable energy.
Ironically, Bitcoin will save the planet.
Hopefully this keeps the beta euro orbiters out of crypto
Its bullshit media claims. The energy consumption for crypto is drops in a bucket compared to other industries.
no need, do you have any clue about the energy waste from fiat currency? let china go back to subsistance farming, we don't all need endless plastic shit in our lives.
Once the btc revolution happens you will own very few, but very high quality items. In fact it will change the marketplace so much it may be unrecognizable...
You will not buy products as so much 'invest' in will buy 1 computer, and from that deflationary purchase the company will send you a new upgrade set every 5 years for life.
the consensus is that pow is out and pos is in, thats the new consensus. wait for serenity
That sounds amazing, I'd love it if they upgraded my fleshlight every year.
Compared to what? The bubonic plague?
they will absolutely send you fleshlight refreshes quarterly.
think about pizza boy...he spent 10000 btc on a pizza, today that market value is the future for this size investment he would be getting pizzas + handjobs daily for life.