Is FTM rip?

Tell me honestly dudes.

I have like 400,000 FTM and am just getting fucked every day.

I have every reason to believe this project is legitimate and it will soar.

>It is collaborating with the UAE (TBA)
>Tons of capital funding (solvent for 2 years)
>Andre Cronje is on board as lead tech advisor
>published academic papers
>MainNet Q3
>Close relationship with CZ
>Marketing seems strong (until recently)

Michael Chen is speaking in Luxembourg on June 27th with major big-wigs in finance. (See here:

Yet, this price collapse is completely depressing me. I legit lost like -50% since the Binance listing. My average buy price was $0.018. I’m still up, but wtf?

give me your honest opinions. Is it all over?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>he fell for Korean Hashgraph meme
I just love when payed shills are gone and lone bagholders post rekt stories

Attached: 42e.jpg (451x630, 79K)

Just have some patience. Give it a few weeks.

user I bought this shit and I'm still holding but it's tearing me apart seeing everything else go up

Literally almost every other coin has gone up while this just bleeds. Would have been better with fucking BTC or eth
God I lost so much

I’m sitting on over a million

You got balls. You scared user?

Literally who pays to post to 300 autists on Jow Forums?

They havent published a Blockfolio update in 4-5 days, which is a long time for them.

Lol sitting a a huge stack, couldn't be comfier. Buying more while emotionally weak brainlets sell. I pitty them but am grateful at the same time

Are you all in on FTM?


Kms. I thought Michael Chen was based. Wtf happened?

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It had ICO. It's literally worthless for Americans now.

About 70% in, buying on the way down. But I reached 400k two days ago.

I've got 400k.
Lost 50%? That's fucking bs, FTM was never 4.4c.
Grow some balls user.

That’s completely false. The ICO banned burgers and that means it’s still in the clear.

Ethereum also had ICO. EOS too.

Doesn't mean shit, because they are going to have staking. Which again makes it security for burgers.
Yeah, those are fucked as well.

FTM will rebound when bitcoin cools off. All eyes are on BTC right now. Sitting on a mill and I am pretty comfy

Sell it pussy. Weak hands like you are selling. You would have never held antshares or eth to the point that they made incredible gains. It's always fud that doubts tech and tries to dismiss projects like these. Then it moons so hard you will never keep up.

Github is opensource and programners I know are impressed. It's fast as fuck and will be one of the biggest advancements. Mcap will be in billions.

Part of the package provided by professional shill groups.
It's not like guys who make millions on those pnds micromanage shit.

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By that logic, Ethereum is a security then Lmao

i got chink scammed by both this and NKN.

personally hoping this hits 600 vits (0.01) so I can go all in

Both are still quality, no doubt in my mind

I meant 6000

Gonna buy more here. Only have 25k. Got rekd

this would be the zone to sccumulate