Text female coworker asking if she wants to hangout outside of work

>text female coworker asking if she wants to hangout outside of work
>She replies "Who is this"
>Identify myslef
>she then replies "How did you get my number?"
>Suddenly realize that I got it off the employee phone list and never actually asked her
>don't reply back to her

should I just not show up to work tomorrow and quit?

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Dafuq that’s creepy you pajeet. Tell her it was the wrong number then buh link.

you dun goofed OP

Only if you're holding LINK

listen to this user.
ABORT and play it off

lil fucker

This is the only solution mate, save it while you can. You only got like 30 minutes max before it's fucked

server her right for listing her number

>having a job
>talking to coworkers
>talking to female coworkers
>wanting to hang out with coworkers outside of work
>wanting to hang out with female coworkers outside of work
>texting them instead of asking face to face
>getting their number from phone list instead of asking for it
thats a sexual harrassment lawsuit incoming OP

Gaslight her into thinking she did give the number to you, but must have forgot.

>"lol idk i had it in my contact list, must have given it to me a while back. maybe another coworker gave your number for some work related reason anyway i gotta go"

Tell her to fuck off. When bitches start pulling that "Who are you" "What do you want" "How did you get my number" shit you just drop them.

You mean the standard reply for when you get a text from an unknown number you absolute sperg?

Can’t play it off as wrong number. What are the chances of dialing a wrong number that just so happens to be op’s co-worker? It would of worked but OP is a retard an already identified himself.

I really do not think there is a way out of this.

lol so not only are you a creep, you're a stupid creep.

He identified himself, she's obviously just being a cunt after that with the "how did you get my number" she literally wouldn't care if he was chad.

Just lie and say she gave it to you a while back. She's a normie, so she won't remember every little bit of detail from 10 years ago.

i texted some girl who gave me her number, you know instantly when i got it. and then when i texted her a week or so later she did the
>who is this
even tho I included my name in this text. so i just told her nvm wrong number and then she goes 'oh lol, yeah i remember you'. i just didnt text back after that since im autistic.

>be beta male
>express interest in girl
>she offers simple..why are you txting me question
>completely fold and runaway
Why am I alone?
Just say "yeah stacy, was saw employee phone list other day in kitchen and took down your number because i wanted to hang out with you"

honestly OP to be real for a minute you should think about why this is insane and unacceptable behavior on your part

OP isn't a Chad, which makes him an insecure shitstain that can't deal with rejection.

hahaha it was just a prank, got you there xD

she will be impressed by your sense of humour and give you a handjob


this is the only correct answer

You don't need girls when you have Sergey memes and comfy Links in your wallet

This has to be bait no one can be that fucking stupid

that would be an epic chad move making her wet instantly. too bad OP is a beta s.o.y. boy.

What the fuck are all you guys even on about, there's literally nothing wrong with looking up someone's number on the employee phone list. That's what it's there for. Obviously this isn't work related, but the correct move would have been just to say something like "I wanted to see if you'd like to hang out so I looked you up on the directory just now". Jesus

sorry my brother stole my phone sorry haha

thats creepy af
chad would ask her to her face and not hide behind a smartphone

Yeah that would be better but I'm assuming he wasn't actually at work when he did this. If he was, then yeah that's not ideal

What do you people know about chad behaviour

That sucks man i feel for you.
Take it as a learning experience. YOU NEVER FUCK COWORKERS

Bitches are fucking stupid. Literally just say, “you gave me your number a few weeks ago” and she’ll most likely believe it

>Implying you actually have a job
>Implying you aren't another pajeet on Jow Forums

What actually happened:

>Hey you're really cute :) wanna go out sometime
>Who's this?
>Oh hey haha this is Erick from LinkedIn, remember when I asked you if I could get a job at your tech company?
>What the fuck? You're the guy from West Bangalore who keeps messaging me asking if we will give you a freelance contract? How the fuck did you get this number?
>Ha-ha well umm yeah I like women who are more aggressive but yeah um I just used your email and plugged it into Maltego and recon-ng and it showed me your number :) So um can we go out sometime

If you can't reliably predict what a woman will do in a given risky situation don't engage.
You must operate a level above them.

If she wanted the dick she would have been cool about it and been like "hee hee what's up?" but the fact that she's freaked out means she doesn't notice him at all.

ive studied chads for years and learned to emulate their behaviour.

this desu, the list gets more cringe as you go on

>texts a girl to go on a date?
fuck i am getting so old. tell your mom I said hey

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being a chad relies on confidence, not emulation.
Confidence can only be found on the inside, by stepping out of your own comfort zone and self-discovery.
Sounds gay but it's true.

actually its mostly about genetics which end up giving you confidence. you can emulate confidence but you cant emulate the genetics. it leads to constant cognitive dissonance in roasties because they can smell your beta genetics but their brains are dazzled by your chad behaviour. you can sneak in a bang here or there but the real hotties will eventually sniff you out and leave. its like trying to cheat nature, roasties dont want your trash genes they want the top shelf shit.

sounds like you know the game playa

Tell her you mixed up your contacts list with the company’s

It'll piss you off but this really is decent advice about talking to normie women

"you... Gave it to me?"

>what, no I didn't!

"then how else have I got it and asking you to hang out dummy"

>o-oh I must have

Lies, trickery and deceit is the way

Just tell her the truth. Honestly this isn't that hard. You didn't do anything illegal, you wanted to go out with her and you asked. You're being indirect (arguably giving off desperate vibes) but not aggressive, you're using available information. What is the problem here.

Just tell the truth. If she's creeped out who cares, oh well, just continue your day.

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Deny everything Op.

It wasnt you.

Destroy phone if necessary lol faggot

if you see her every day why the fuck didn't you just ask her in person man wtf

I think you forgot to send her some BRAPPERs first

Creep if True

>>Suddenly realize that I got it off the employee phone list and never actually asked her

>suddenly realize

So you're an autopilot autist creep? That must be dangerous. You're being laughed at in her girly group chat.

Lmfao. gr8 b8 9/10

I literally emailed a girl from class asking her out on a date after finals and it worked. Just be Konfidunt aka Chad

Im gonna steal this for my stand up routine. thanks. fren

Fuckin yikes man.

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Tell her that.
Does she smoke weed? I would just tell her about this new medical grade iv been smoking and how its making me extra retarded lately then say you thought got the numb off the company w/e and thought i would be funny to play some gay guessing game and if i guess a certain amount of number correctly i get her number, make i believeable then segue into asking her if shes down to get d u d e af after work if she smokes weed you are golden. Women are pre dumb.

Lol make sure u throw in that u actually did steal it for ur stand up routine for laughs squared bro

As for u op. Damn u are a fucking creeper. U need to just give up on trying to pick up woman. Once u straight don't give af, u won't be able to get em off u. As for your job, there's nothing to prove where u got her number so keep that big mouth the fuck shut

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>Welp, see ya later

Tell her her number magically appeared in your contact list and you're not sure how. Seriously, that will solve the problem.


I swear this is the most autistic board

Yes. Go all in with this OP. It's your only hope of redeeming yourself.

have sex

>make really convulted scenario that nobody will believe the explain a small social mishap
This is why your a soiboi unironically. As a chad just reading this post bored me half to death and seemed to present endless possibilities for bullying you into shooting up a school at the same time.


Popcorn playa playa

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>Not sure actually, just knew you were in my contacts and thought about hitting up. Employee phone list maybe?

I'm here all night bud, good luck.

imagine being so beta
>I don't remember, someone must have given me it to me

>awkward stuttering intensifies

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