Lost all in war

Refugee here, lost it all in the Syrian war. Managed to flee and now living in Germany.

Worked a cleaning job the first few years, and now saved up enough money to invest a bit. Jow Forums advise please

FYI I was a GP in my country.Working on my qualifications to get a licence here. Its been tough

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fuck off back to syria shitskin

pls go back achmed, your country need you now. thx and pls dont come again

t. annoyed german who wants you +all niggers finally to go back home

Borrow money somewhere and invest in coti, its going to pump soon. Do not all in, you need to be able to always pay for 3 months of living expenses at least

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I advise you to invest in btc, op. But only put the money you will not need in the short term. Cryptos have very wild swings

kys mongrel

Your culture will disappear in the next 30 years user. Most of the babies being born in germany are immigrant's kids. Rip germany, very nice culture but you gave up and stopped having children.

How does it feel to put your big brown dick inside white women?

Nice white helmet propaganda.

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Invest in a plane ticket back to where you came from.

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You're not a refugee when you walk through a dozen safe countries to Germany. You're an economic migrant.

Why don't you try to fix your country instead of fucking up the rest of the world?

please go back, israel will destroy you

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Get some MITX, prices wont last long. Idex volume growing daily.

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fuck off we're full


Shit bait btw go and dilate as much as you can in jail there will be no option. You and your tranny frens are doxed and the authorities know about your scams

This. You are not welcome in our societies the only reason you are here is because amermutts fight Jew wars and then Jews send you people to white countries pretending to be humanitarians but really only use you as attack dogs against whites.

You best turn on your master handlers are we will take you all out with them.

he doesn't even realize that if all brown people go back their country, german economy will fall harder than syrian economy.

with these birth rates, germans have no future in germany. germans should accept this and enjoy their life.

I am Syrian too. But won the lottery at birth. Why so much hate?
I’m very comfortable living in the UK.

My parents own a kebab chain

>german economy will fall harder than syrian economy
yeah how are we gonna cope without brown trashmen and mcdonalds workers? the horror!

Your grand kids will be brown. Sorry sir

Op is a doctor right? If only there was a pressing need for doctors in syria...

You should fuck off home as well. Kebab shop, great, really need more of those in ol blighty.

you could say the same thing about people that are 58 yo or people born on the 27 december. The economy would collapse without them if you remove them from the workforce.

are you telling me white people are not breeding for the gibs? how strange

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>brown trashmen and mcdonalds workers
even tho those people are also necessary, germany gets all kind of immigrants from all over the world. that's why if you visit a big tech company in germany, you'll see almost half of the workers are not ethnically german.

for example, just for german elders, germany needs thousands of immigrants right now. that's why germany asked 50.000 elderly caregiver/nurse from turkey last year.

you have no idea about your society but at least merkel knows it and does her job well.

You have to go back

>you have no idea about your society
yes please explain to me how my society works when you probably never even have set foot into the country.

This is Syrian Kebab.
Better Than the shit they serve you White Trailer Trash. Look at those blades alone. Fuck you whites with your privileges.

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Why the fuck did you flee your home fucking country? You are a traitor to your people and your bloodline. Your kind of people are the reason why the western world is going to shit.

i have been to germany several times but that's not relevant. you can live in germany without knowing anything about german demography, just like you. or you can just look up the statistics if you able to use internet.

Syrians even dress like a Kebab

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Poo on a stick? Wish you got droned bby

Plus op is an obvious faggot and coward

A war created by your shit culture. Maybe if you and your fellow countrymen..or just muslims in general were not all just tribal animals that get controlled by some inbred fuckstick who claims he interprets a 'book' as it is meant to be interpreted. And your inbred uneducated neighbors go along with it.

You are why you are a refugee. Allah Akbar!

>A war created by your shit culture
whites created more war than muslims. millions of people died because of the white culture. there are even german refugee villages in turkey right now.

i'm not saying that syrian culture is great but whites are not angels either.

Niggger eat your moms cunt

You can buy stocks that wont make you anything or buy shitcoins.

Or buy the boss of all bosses

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replace White's with jews and yeah you're correct.

Buy Chainlink and XCM. You can buy them both on Coinmetro. I'm sure you've heard of chainlink already, let me shill to you XCM for a bit.

Coinmetro XCM is like the next BNB. Coinmetro is based in Europe and is the most legally compliant excange in the world. Use my signup code Salt and you'll get entered into a raffle and you'll have the chance to win some free XCM.

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>Exchange token XCM gets burnt WITH EVERY SINGLE TRADE
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influential powerful jews = wars

>blaming jews for white's crimes
stop fucking your sister.

Obama, Hillary and Netanyahu created the war. USA and Israel created the war. They created ISIS. How fucking out of the loop are you? There are public pentagon documents that explain that USA, its NATO allies, Israel, the gulf states, wanted an islamist principality to come to life in Syria, they wanted to use this to isolate the regime. Syria is a secular country, but USA and Israhell funded and supported islamist terrorist rebels in a bid to destroy the Syrian government and replace it with a new cuckolded slave state government.

people are getting fed up
it isn't right to start killing all the shitskins but it's going to happen if you don't stop pushing

You're absolutely clueless. Or probably a kike. Your kind absolutely destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria with your golem called the United States. And you're trying to destroy Europe away.

Go to hell you fucking demon

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that dude is right. there will be a one single world goverment in the future but i'm not a jew. i don't care about countries or the people. i'm just telling you the truths.
just lol.

Wanna get rich OP.
Last chance to hop on the train.

Here is my card

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*takes a sip of absinth*


We really need brown workers in the force

Germany needs nurses/caretakers because they are paid like shit not because there aren't enough people.

Suck dicks at 2euros a dick. After half a million dicks you can buy a fuckin Ferrari

lol..ya. It doesn't take much effort to stink up a sewer. They are tribal areas that are in a constant state of turmoil due to tribalism and religious fanaticism.

They create the perfect environment for others to intercede in and have excuses to do so. If they were stable countries...it wouldn't happen. Look around the world. Shitholes draw it in. They have only their shitty conflict oriented cultures to blame.

Based and redpilled. Fuck kikes, fuck niggers, fuck boomers and fuck the (((economy))), let it crash! We’ll start our own economy that serves the people not the Jew.

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