What is it that pisses me of so hard about them?

what is it that pisses me of so hard about them?
I hope they will lose everything and kill themself, but why?

Attached: 006EE19F-5A8E-4458-BC42-37D420F7BC7C.jpg (1600x1200, 83K)

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Have sex

because youre a sociopath

that coupled with the fact that they have strength in numbers and the majority is always smug retards who will downvote anything that doesn't fit their worldview. They're all effeminate men--the worst, most malicious, untrustworthy, vindictive kind of man. I would rather surround myself with violent retards than effeminate men

Attached: 1561235188702.png (300x250, 18K)

I don't like they way they get so entrenched in the trend.

When it was near the bottom everyone was saying it's going straight to $500.

Now they're saying it will go to $40k with no corrections.

They need to chill out.

They're normies who think they're bleeding edge but the blood drips here

unresolved childhood issues

According to them anyone that uses pepe/apu is a nazi.

you were conditioned to do so. its called being a mindless sheep

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