Expert witness to be called at CSW show cause hearing

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Literally who?

Lmao Craig is probably about to blow his brains out

Along with Dave Kleiman and Uyen Nguyen, one member of the team behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

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He shouldn't have gotten into this.

CSW gonna get wrecked the same week LINK moons it's like Christmas

>"/s/ Velvel (Devin) Freedman"

They're linking /s/ material in court now?

Anyone got any links/docs on his grants from the Australian government?

can't believe this dude thought he could bullshit his way through federal court

I think we'll probably see some news that craig settled out of court just before the 28th

What shitty legal system allows you to proffer expert evidence at trial with only 3 days notice to the other side? I assume that Dr Edman must also submit a written report rather than wing it from the witness box.

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I agree. The judge did provide notice on June 11 that calling expert witnesses will be permitted. See the footnote:

user, who is the man in your pic?

You don't recognize him? That's Craig Wright.

Oh, I see now. Yes, that's him.

Thanks for the link:
“If the plaintiff has experts who want to argue to me why he can do what he says he can't do, I'll hear from them.”
Strong directions from the judge considering the amount in dispute and that there are two and a half weeks between 11 and 28 June. The fact that she did not set a deadline for experts is careless at best and a breach of her duties at worst. Litigation by ambush. Creg won't have had the chance to put questions to Dr Edman or fully prepare prior to the hearing. This case is being badly handled.

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Craig has lied to the court repeatedly. The court is going to let craig get humiliated most likely. Calvin and craig don't have enough money to buy off Ira because there are other parties who have probably already offered Ira big money to ruin craig.

He is aging so rapidly!

Isn't it just the mediation stage?

It's not the fucking wild west. The court still needs to be seen as impartial and fair even if Creg loses on all fronts.
It is also for Ira to prove his case and I am not sure he can after destroying Dave's laptop and so on yet the court asked Creg to supply all records relating to his bitcoin holdings- fishing expedition!

I'm pretty sure that's done and no settlement was reached, which means both sides think they have at least a reasonable case.

>bad to have experts explain things when its time to do so
this is one seething pajeet

kek you have no experience of the legal system or judicial management of high value cases.

creg vs. someone who actual knows wtf hes talking about ?
>wew lad
he really is gonna get fucking rekt. Isn't he. Need a Floridabro sneak in and livestream this circus 4 keks

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The final hearing is only next year, if I remember

Well, the court obviously doesn't like Craig bullshitting around. I mean what did he expect? Maybe he should have been more compliant. It's not the wild west, it's a man who threatened to use law and is now ducking court orders.

>oh no, we declared things in our pleadings and now the other side wants to comment on them!?!?
>but we're not ready!!!!
jeb-level cope

This a long, tedious case that'll probably result in nothing, but the interesting thing about it is that it exposed the docs which we wouldn't have seen otherwise.

>Along with Dave Kleiman and Uyen Nguyen
we've changed tack a bit of late, no ? Before, was JUST creg, rest were little helpers. And of your Team Satoshi list, one ded, one MIA. Odd, that. Isnt it

dont laugh, although kleinman met nguyen in the "happy finish" massage palor in boca raton, she was a natural to become a key holder for 1M bitcoin
stuff like this happens all the time. quit blowing things out of proportion.

I dunno, creg getting sent down for contempt and being an arsehole in general, always interesting that
b-but.. where IS she now ? creg left her the keys to $15 Billion. Then, lost her ? careless, careless

nice trips.
>creg left her the keys to $15 Billion. Then, lost her ?
oh well, it totally makes sense why he cant sign the keys...but lets just move on, anyway that was old tech...hes got living AI entities alive on the blockchain now....this was never about the money

What lies? What bullshit? He flew to the court case at last notice and made his (heavily redacted) claims.
What is your source on this?
He lost her? Nowhere does this come up in the case, he stated he hasn't contacted her in years that's it.
You are grasping at straws Greg

He said his attempts at contacting "her" were futile

His whole thing about that trust is going to have to be explained. The more complex his tulip trust story gets the more annoyed the court gets. They're going to allow all kinds of experts to come in obviously.

>Nowhere does this come up in the case
'she' was also a witness to the forged Kleiman signature asset transfer docs, Formal Agent of W&K, founder member of the 'Tulip Trust I', etc etc. Sure 'she' could clear up a whole bunch of misunderstandings and stuff, if called before the court ? If only..
if only 'she' could be found. poor creg, why, he must be tearing his hair out searching for 'her'

Settle with what? You guys are fucking retarded.

It was seemingly explained, but heavily redacted.
I do agree that this is an interesting development though, I mean, what's the new guy gonna say exactly? What Craig has said is false? We don't even know exactly what he said, neither could this guy which makes it pretty suspect in my opinion (leading me to believe this is Kleinmans last roll of the dice).
If "she" can't be contacted then it doesn't really have much bearing on the case whatsoever, clearly he's not worried about not getting access to the keys or the trust so why are (You) making such a big deal out of it?
It's pretty coincidental timing for all this tether print and pump of shitcoin supreme don't you think?
And random cnuts like you pulling apart cases that you do not even have full information on.

What did you expect coming from a group of banker fellating "software engineers" that don't see sense in incrementing a single variable to increase transaction throughput?

Uh, with money you fucking dipshit. After realizing that there are probably offers to Ira to take this case all the way though, I realize that it won't be settled out of court. craig is going to have to prove he's satoshi or admit he's not.

>clearly he's not worried about not getting access to the keys or the trust so why are (You) making such a big deal out of it?
>It's pretty coincidental timing for all this tether print and pump of shitcoin supreme don't you think?
>And random cnuts like you pulling apart cases that you do not even have full information on.

Thank you for your insight

>clearly he's not worried about not getting access to the keys or the trust
clearly. The Court, however, may take the view that the contents of said Trust are not cregs to be locking away
>leading me to believe this is Kleinmans last roll of the dice
lel - my apologies. I mistakenly thought you were following the same case as the rest of us

So they're calling in a cryotographer expert to testify for Craig that he literally can't access the keys, am I reading this right

>am I reading this right
nope. the expert is being called by the plaintiff (Kleiman) to testify that creg is talking shit when claiming 'he can't access the keys', and most every other aspect of creg 'technical' testimony to date. And, there's a fair bit to work with there. tbqh, this is actually slightly unfair on creg, he will get fucking rekt - however, he has brought this shit entirely upon himself

yes but corecucks are of course trying to spin this around like it's negative. This is good for CSW because the judge will know he cant come up with all the addresses because of the trust crypto tech and not because he doesn't want to :)

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You are only going to call an expert if they support your fucking case. There are probably hundreds of qualified candidates. Why do you think Ira settled on Dr Eggman? Unless Creg has the American equivalent of Lord Sumption on his team he's not going to have a good time.

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He looks really bad. This drama must be taking a toll on him.

How is this bad for Craig? No one's even heard of this guy. A literal who and I'm not even going to waste my time googling his name.

be aware of the memery

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Idk guys I have this feeling Craig is gonna win...

This is all too familiar to the trump mania.. "THIS TIME ITS OVER HES ABOUT TO BE IMPEACHED!"

There is nothing to win. At best, he can avoid losses. One still can't materialize the trust coins that he promised.

No this is much better than Christmas

WTF are you smoking? He could literally just get the key parts together and prove it, but we don't know (a) Why the judge has not ordered him to OR (b) What he even fucking told them cos it was all redacted anyway

its not dipping under 230 u faggot kikes so u might as well buy in instead of fudding. $1200 EOY

Nah. Here's the deal. Jow Forums is a fickle place. Jow Forums supported trump even when they were swamped by shills. Craig on the other hand is swamping Jow Forums with bsv shills. No amount of shilling is gonna stop people from hating calvin, craig and bsv. It's the exact opposite of what you think.

>please buy

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According to the plot, the key parts are under the control of the "trustees"

Holy Crap. too much hanging around with pajeets, Calvins gone native

The American boomer used shite! Craig has been rubbing off on him.

I really hope this is true, if so can't wait for this fuck to be ruined.

It's true

are they also behind the gold backed payment system Craig began to design after bitcoin launched?

that's not open to the public it?

nah I mean I hope it's true he's really only holding BSV, I kinda doubt it


>it's true
>he said so
no screenshot of his long position
and even a screenshot wouldn't be 100% proof of anything

calvin is a tranny lover

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I'm more inclined to believe he is the smart one making money off this
>pays some failed aussie low end uni teacher to LARP as some moniker
>meanwhile you manipulate your fork, do a bunch of money laundering while people are distracted by your hired clown
meanwhile he just chills and fucks hookers

thats a man


>public ?
idk tbqh, afaik Friday still be 'pretrial deposition' - in which case, I severely doubt it (public access allowed). If no agreement reached and the Judge doesn't go for a summary settlement (eg, creg don't show up) - then, unless major reasons otherwise, goes to actual trial and a civil trial district court should normally be public open. creg would squeal like fuck, both about having to be there and muh sekrit service evidence or someshit, demanding Public be banned, but the Judge hates him anyway. thats my understanding, but, if anyone knows better, pls correct. The interesting bit on Friday is (a) whether he shows up (b) gets Judge-rekt for contempt, both maybe 50-50 at present

And thank me later

looks like hes only got the one degree tho - does he stand a chance ?
fuck off spam faggot

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>Never Drumpf!
>No amount of shilling could stop me hating him!
> Not my Satoshi!

Sounds like a Clinton Supporter

Trump had organic support and shareblue were the shills fighting that organic support. Calvin hire pajeet shills and runs the coingeek fake news site. craig even wears diapers just like hillary

This is not a popularity contest, unlike politics. We're talking facts here. Whether or not you like CSW has nothing to do with his shady dealings with Calvin Ayre and bogus trusts.

these digits dont lie

Why you people don't want to make money is beyond me. You have the chance to get in early on a coin you can shill to normies and make lots of money. You're all retarded faggots. Just to be clear I own zero crypto, all in on MPAA and NBRV right now. But still. You're all idiots.

> the key parts are under the control of the "trustees" make it even more unbelievable the trust went into effect at block 70.
6 blocks per hour
block 70....12 hours after genesis

so we are supposed to believe that creg assembled dave and the viet hooker in his room 12 hrs after getting the first compile working. it sorta strains credulity a bit

without a doubt. they are both in fact 2 desperate sleazy bastards. no doubt they both chuckle to themselves at night over the poor gullible other.
of course this just means when the shit starts to hit the fan, they are going to turn on each other viciously

I fucking love these threads about this trial. Keep 'em coming boys. I'd pay good money to be there watching CSW get BTFO'd but these threads are the next best thing.

Hahahaha I never even thought about what it'll be like when they turn on eachother

>it sorta strains credulity a bit
What strains credulity is that CSW admitted receiving help off Kleinman well before that compile but you are asserting that the first compile ended up with the only 10 year old uncorrupted blockchain we have today, BSV

>Code is not law. Law is law.
i'm loving the irony of craig getting fucking hoisted by his own petard on this

friday's gonna be great

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