>Go to the block chain club at my uni
>it’s 98% male
How do we get more women involved in crypto?
Go to the block chain club at my uni
We don't. Stop trying to spoonfeed roasties
Put qr codes with free bitcoin on kitchen appliances.
pay your hookers in monero
stop being a basedboy
>the block chain club at my uni
Kek'd. What do they even do there?
>how do you irreversibly fuck up everything for everyone for the rest of time
step 1. convert to judaism
give them a MCO card upon they sign up for 2% cashback at their favourite GAP
You don’t. Women smell like poo poo
Tell them BBC is present
make womancoin pnd and dump on them
Women won't start flocking to crypto until pretty much everyone is already using it.
You want them to listen to block-chain technology nerd wankery over sucking the sweet sweet nectar out of Chads pole? Disgusting privileged self-important incel.
Why the fuck would you want women involved in this
I’m a woman and I’m involved. But I think others aren’t involved because mostly they want to do social stuff.
They're risk-averse
Women tend to cluster around the mean
Satoshi is female
> post bob and vagene
Women don't take risks, that could end badly. They take an uber to the finish line of success and fuck one of the guys who survived the race.