Tickets for Interstellar travel

Attached: VIDTshares.jpg (630x630, 95K)

Bought mine last week

Nerva is what you're looking for anonchads

Why? Shill me

10$ short term
50$ early 2020

The netherlands is unironically the most bullish nation for crypto in 2019

Attached: 1C91398E-695A-4CD6-9946-C7AECBBC1337.png (1045x584, 46K)

Dutch are ahead of the crypto curve.

poor fag only 1700 VIDT, if taxes weren't so fucking stupid I would have put more into crypto.

currently up 2x, but I need 10x then put it all in chainchinks for another 5x

will I make it eventually?

Yeah but chainlink ain’t going anywhere

Attached: 1560952114944.jpg (1024x694, 149K)

I don't know the only reason I haven't bought it the last two years was that it was so heavily shilled on here.

actually, I will probably put all my VIDT and EQL gains into LIT

lol good one

vidt yes
void is pajeet trash however

I was just messaging one of the devs for VIDT on telegram. It’s really awesome that they’ll respond. It’s small but it shows that the team cares.

I'm only in the announcement chat, how can I get into the regular chat?

Just click on one of their profiles and “send message”


Is void even on cmc or am I being a brainlrt

They even deny fake partnership news and try their best to clarify the extent of partnerships and token functions. Based as fuck.

again this scamming shit

Attached: true scam warning.png (672x767, 318K)

lel do you actually make a lot of money doing this? I bet you actually do if you spend all day on here spamming this with rotating IPs. Never seen you reply to someone calling you out though, didn’t even know you were human

Normally when he posts that scam he has like 4 or 5 alts reply to it saying "thanks", "great arb" etc. This time you beat him to it

if it did indeed work, hadji. you would use this for your own gain, hadji, why post it here but to scam someone. everybody knows it.

hadji, you have some shit on your face.

but hadji. had you no meal today?

You're gonna lose everything you worked so hard for if you put it all in chainstink

after this confrence I reconsidered, but it is still a long way to 10x on VIDT, so lets see what the situation is then. I might just go on one of the bigs and put slight margin on

VIDT will make it.

VOID is literally trash.

Yeah I'm kind of in your position. I only have 1,100 VIDT so I plan on staying all in for a while. I may consider selling some and picking out new bags at a 10x myself, but this is going to go so much further than that I believe.

>join community chat
>this is the first post i see
thanks, just sold 100k

Attached: 20190626_004604.jpg (1080x1351, 464K)

Great financial decision, based on a few random peoples' comments. YOU SURE SHOWED US!

Interesting why do you say that, Paul.

Look at the holders. Many people do not hold more than 100k.

this pic is giving me antshares vibes

>implying that's my real name
it's not about the comments, it's about their ethnicity

vidt telegram community consists of
absolute brainlets

I wish I was as smart as you