Lition deserves a thread

Lition deserves a thread

higher volume on idex than vidt with no shilling and still really under the radar.

u dont want to be poor do you anons??

Attached: lsz3hfn588h11.jpg (1300x800, 1.03M)

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binance dex submission added today, if added a binance listing is very likely frens

Yeah I’m surprised by how little it’s discussed. It even has the LIT ticker for the zoomer appeal

imagine unironically investing into a brazil-backed token

Attached: hehe.jpg (250x241, 9K)

because most retards in here bought the top in april

imagine being this much of a pussy to turn down fantastic trading ops,

lol stay mad

just by this post i can tell you are currently at a loss with this shitcoin

im like 50-50 between this and vidt right now
whichever one moons first i sell and double down on the other

unfortunately you are incorrect user, i sold half my vidt stack to buy this dip ;)

oh its just another coordinated shill thread, great

u r fuckin retarded or something? i bet you're fucking good at losing money user

brazil? wtf

i bet you're a dumbfuck brainlet

pajeet volume comparison

vidt 798,92 BTC
lition 182,47 BTC

i cant wait to sell you your future bags ;d

i said idex user, i dont trust hotbit data really

Pretty sure they're German

>10. Where are you right now in your roadmap?

>The Lition protocol is currently in testnet stage and aims to be released for mainnet in Q3 2019. In addition to that, we are working on several use-cases that are already live or currently in development:

>P2P Energy trading dApp, fully live and supplies currently customers in over 150 cities in Germany with electricity.
>Syndicated loan dApp, together with VR-Bank ($1 trillion assets) in MVP stage.
>Infrastructure layer for security tokens that need to manage private data, in cooperation with Tokeny. Pilot stage with $20m real estate loan.
>ERC721 Blockchain certificates, in collaboration with Lawpilots in development.

sure ranjeesh

Lition doesn't need any biz attention. This section is fucked anyway with all the marines. On-topic: it's about to start. ::D

no you're just a retard
vidt and lit are both top volume coins on idex

I've been stocking up on this. Their business links are legit. Volume has been massive. It's ready to pop.


You've absolutely embarrassed yourself

Circulating supply will treble by April. Only thing making me hesitant.

ALL IN FREN!!!!!!!!! MOON TIME!!!!!!!!!

Redpill me on Lition. I see that theyre all white so thats a fairly good start.

its literally crashing rn with no survivors. what else do you need to know.

Any shillfag wants to give me two reason why I should buy this shitcoin and 1 why he isn't all in?
Show you're critical about something and not a brainlet.
