LINK is done

KIN token sale advisor, also advised LINK ico sale...

Chainlink Advisors:

Jake Brukhman, Token Sale Advisor
Jake was previously the CTO at Triton Research, going on to launch CoinFund, one of the leading token focused funds.
He's now an advisor to leading token sales like Kik's Kin Token, and the ChainLink Network.

"By selling $100 million in securities without registering the offers or sales, we allege that Kik deprived investors of information to which they were legally entitled, and prevented investors from making informed investment decisions," Co-Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement Steven Peikin said."

- KIN ICO advisor also advised Chainlink ICO.
- Chainlink ICO had NO KYC.
- Despite prohibiting USA, Singapore and Chinese residents from participating, ChainLink just required checking a little box proclaiming you weren’t from any of those nations.

One wonders why LINK has been stale for years, only to have a huge run, months before Binance closes to US investors.

I hope I'm wrong, but knowing Binance they most likely had "advice" from legal team.

Attached: secG.jpg (224x225, 24K)

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Ah finally, some fresh fud. It was getting rather stale latley


link is a utility token, like xcm

Craig predicted this

yes, and buy XCM
>CZ will bend the knee

Attached: cz-recorded-on-camera.jpg (600x332, 43K)

Lmao KIN is being sued because it’s an absolute shit coin and nobody has made any money off the “investment”... ChainLink is s completely different story. I can’t even spoon feed you on this one, so cringe comparing an instant messenger app to the 4th revolution. Lmao my sides kek.

yup.. same argument KIN lawyers are using in court right now...

KIN: $987million to $15mill mcap today.

If you were an exchange....

The sec is literally who boomers yelling at clouds same goes for any other cock suckers wasting time and resources to try and take my neet bux away

Yup.. Binance dumping their bags on new LINK bagholders

useless shitcoin

utility token in use by Google, Oracle, Microsoft etc


KIN is number 2 on blocktivity.
I've been accumulating. Fuck the SEC. Boomer faggots

Swinglinkers btfo

Can a non brainlet actually counter this at all? This is some serious shit. Prove to me its going to be OK else I'm dumping all my LINK

Kik Messenger, commonly called Kik, is a freeware instant messaging mobile app from the Canadian company Kik Interactive. As of May 2016, Kik Messenger had approximately 300 million registered users, and was used by approximately 40% of United States teenagers

To date KIK has raised $120.5M from Foundation Capital, RRE Ventures, Spark Capital, SV Angel, Tencent (maker of WeChat), Union Square Ventures, and Valiant Capital Partners.

~ Company not from US but accepted US buyers. Check
~ Large established userbase and not some scam. Check
~ Funded by well known VCs. Check

Just because LINK has a few "blog" posts from Google, does not stop SEC going after them. They held a highly illegal ICO offering. KYC was never applied. Binance US will not list LINK. Doing so will put them in SEC's target.

Also, I know several people that were US residents who "got in" the LINK ICO. SEC can easily retrieve this info in court.

Kin is being used b/c their CEO made public comments about how great of an investment it will become and they marketed it publicly.

This is the exact reason why Sergey and team have been steadfast in zero marketing and never ever discussed price. To put them both in the same category is laughable

..example would be to ask exchange ((e.g. Binance) for US customers who deposited LINK tokens. Back track on Ethereum blockchain to see if those tokens came from ICO token address.. Easy win.

they're probably a utility token.

dodgy ICOs getting reamed could be a real problem in the next few years.
but chainlink incorporated in the usa so they'll be fine.

>This is the exact reason why Sergey and team have been steadfast in zero marketing and never ever discussed price.

>that's when we go vertical

oh shit its over AAAAAAAAAAAA

argghh #($(@*#$

the fact kin adviser also did link means binance ain't going to risk it on binance usa....imagine letting madoff run your fund if he got out of prison... no one is going to touch / associate.

BRO we are linkies, nothing can touch the might of LINKIES. We're gonna dump before US listing anywayz.


To think there are idiots fomoing in right now before this thing falls off a cliff

Stop shilling this piece of shit slav scam token. You telegram niggers are worse than discord trannies.

info we have on chainlink from this month alone there's no way you wasted your fuckin time typing/pasting that shit on this board. go buy ambrosus and mobius sir, chainlink legit scam

Imagine believing Chainlink is a scam

rip chainlink 2017 - 2019

reload the sec fud