You know what to do

Attached: 20CCBA0B-D918-4527-B1CC-2B6036B172B3.png (624x623, 550K)

Stealth mode and FUD fiesta are over and done with, peasant. You had two years.

Redditor detected

sanjeeeeet patel sirs pls chanlink

Stop FUDding

It's time, the flood gates are open. Operation shill is a go.

>Anonymous (ID: hkeGZKvy) 0
>Top 20 coin
>Stealth mode

don't get me wrong i hate redditors as much as the next user but i think its time to chill with the fud. i will simply disengage from any reddit activity. i urge all anons to do the same. let those fags discover link for themselves if they have the fortitude. i will never shill link to a redditard though.

Operation FUD has ended. We are full go operation SHILL.

Not anymore, fuck you. FUCK YOU. I'm tired of being stuck at two dollars after FUCKING GOOGLE AND ORACLE.

It's not just about that. It's about the huge number of reddit fags already here and whining non stop about LINK. this is how we can have fun with the faggots.

but yes..If they cannot figure it out they don't deserve it

Based and thispilled

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No more fudding

So many nulinkers on biz. Why do you give a fuck about reddit

This is the second time you made this thread. FUD time is OVER.

i agree that it's one of life's greatest joys to successfully trick a redditor into not buying link. i used to write some of the top FUDs on there myself but i just feel like it's not the optimal strategy anymore. i don't give a shit about newfags tbqh and i think fudding may have negative consequences for link.

>It's about the huge number of reddit fags already here and whining non stop about LINK
are you saying that the redditors have migrated to Jow Forums? i might be misunderstanding you


Nobody gives a fuck about reddit, we care about our own bags. There's been enough time to accumulate.


Fuck niggers and kikes

.. there are too many of them. I no longer know if I can hold them off...

Redditors are the last people you want on board. First, much like yourself. they simply can't graps that a coin can succeed without normie FOMO-- they're gonna insist on things like lotteries, Marvel-themed nodes, airdrops, and token splits to placate their short attention spans. The literally cannot live without constant feedback and reinforcing the idea that they made the right choice.

Also, they are literally the first people to capitulate when times get rough. So they'll give you a temproary bump, followed by an even worse crash after the first red candle. Look how reddit favorites have fared during the bear market.

Lastley, reddit is incompatible with the Nazi ideals outlined in LINK"s whitepaper and our ultimate goal of an ethnostate. To let a bunch aof liberal faggots onbaord our moon mission defeates the greater puropose of LINK, which is to bring about the 4th reich and technological singularity.

So fuck off.

Fuck off we don’t need Reddit

Swingie. It surprised.

Face it, the singularity is HERE. The flood gates are open. All in together. Everybody wins now, apart from swinglinkers

Obviously the big boys don’t care about the bullshit, so keep chasing off these faggot redditors. Forever. They traded millions of dollars for their smarmy karma points and upvotes. Fucking cunts,

This man is based and redpilled.