Forkdelta the new platform for deflationary shitcoins

Deflationary shitcoins are the new craze, its stupid how much money I've made in the past week

Shitcoin 1-

Nuke - Bought at forkdelta invested (0.15 eth) swung trade them - made 15 eth in 2 days

Void - got the airdrop on 2 accounts 950 +950 + bought in early invested 0.3 eth made 9 eth in 4 days

Dynamite - invested 0.2 eth return - ????

its trading only on Forkdelta!/trade/0xad95a3c0fdc9bc4b27fd79e028a0a808d5564aa4-ETH

This is not a larp post. I do believe that all those copy cats are shitcoins but you can still make a ton of money from shitcoins, you just have to get in early

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you lost me at

Void, Nuke, Bomb, NB, Dynamite all deflation shitcoins but they are cryptos latest craze. people are throwing mad money on them

Yeah I’ve been really susprised by these since they’re only an experiment in a deflationary model, but people keep pumping them on that gimmick alone.

no you didn't

they all have no value. Get in early on forkdelta and sell when listed on a decent exchange. easy money. I would throw 20 - 40 usd and wait for a week

Hey OP what about Fuze token? Only 1000 exist and over 70% have already been burnt. Go to telegram and talk strategy. FUZE_token

I have proof, but honestly I dont care if you believe me or not.

this is not a shill post. if you feel like gambling for big gains this is your chance

dont know what fuze token is but its probably another shitcoin. If it mooned already I wouldn't touch it. I only invest in early coins

DYT is still early, Fire token is another one

> made 20 eth
the whole order book is thinner than 20 ether lmao

I have fire token. The reason I'm shilling Fuze is that you can buy literally 1 of it right now for half an eth on Forkdelta and the dev already holds less than 20% of the coins and is still giving more out. It's a good idea and the telegram has already gained a lot of steam.

it mooned 250% on launch on ddex made 20 eth on nuke

FYI DYT is running an airdrop. you can but a small stash and get the airdrop just incase it moons

i'll check it out. I just received my fire airdrop. lets see where this goes

I also meant 1% of it

join the airdrop here

t . me / Dynamitetoken

phase 2 will start soon. the guy behind it is the same dev behind void.

void is mooning right now go check the price

How did you make money on Nuke - Only Devs selling and price has gone straight down.... lolol
Yes you can make money from shitcoins but not ones where it only goes down... Claymore pumping next?

I bought it on forkdelta for 0.00015eth sold at 0.023 do the math. thats over 1000% return.

Nuke is a scam. I do not recommend you touch these coins after they moon

nuke is strange, im not trying to defend all their actions, but recent price crush is from their airdrop that finally went through, i got 100 nukes from em, sold em. they might be using the airdrop as a cover to dump from their alt accounts.

void is just starting to rise and it's not even listed on DDEX

thats what I'm saying, I bought 2 days before the ddex listing. if you catch coins on forkdelta and you dump on listing you'll make massive returns

nuke is run by a crazy bitch. I honestly got lucky and sold in time, made a shit ton of money.

I do not recommend you buy nuke right now. even if it moons. the ship has sailed

yes its mooning. I already sold made a decent return but wish all you bag holders the best

Bomb, nuke and void. Massive returns made

People in crypto have low IQ’s. Happy I took the gamble

normies who bough nuke on ddex lost so much money. feel sorry for them

What about ETHplode?

I honestly missed ethplode and have no idea where its heading.

It already pumped and dumped

Take a look at MOAB. Still in early stages, 20M supply and dev team only takes 5%. 2% burn rate. Going for 0.02 cents atm and can easily go higher to 0.3~0.5 cents. Low liquidity on DDEX but team is already in talks with new exchanges and youtubers. Honestly just buy some and hold for a few weeks and ur gonna make bank.


Lmao its all nigs sandnigs and poos .
Crypto belongs to the white and Asian man

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I bet you slept on ZUCK BUCKS

Attached: zbux2.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

The mother of shitcoins

it's going to moon to $10/zbux

Confirmed the team is dumping in 24. They keep deleting scam etherscan proof that is posted in their Telegram and banning people who post it. Going to DUMP hard AF!