28:47 "My fellow Marines"


28:47 "My fellow Marines"

It's over. Link $1K EOY

Attached: marines.png (877x474, 371K)

Post your ooooo face.

No Linkers BTFO
redditfags BTFO


Oh god that’s cringe

>better shirt
>better hair
>more belly
How can sergey compete?

the coin with the best memes win

cringe af, price dumped at the same moment

sergey prob turned off the stream

I cant decide if bullish. Presentation seemed so amateurish why would a fortune100 announce anything that way?

He can't and he won't. It's over

>My fellow Marines

Attached: 1543383702440.jpg (674x822, 252K)

Yea guys but lets not forget that Fernando fundamentaly ate Sergey. What an absolute unit, how will Rory and the team recover? Its a doggy eat dog world.

Attached: 1561495114743.png (409x446, 280K)

Fucking cringe

It's over, chainlink is officially a meme coin like doge

Did somebody lose some linkys?

Thanks, just sold 100k

Attached: 1234fsrff.png (669x558, 127K)


wow a red shirt , creative guys!!!.

referencing link marines. *facepaml*

but they do need us.

Based brazilian McRib of gains.

>Some normie sees this and googles "chainlink marines"
>realizes it's a cult of delusional, racist incels in a racist anime/meme board called Jow Forums
>closes the browser and never touches chainlink or anything related to it
>tells all his normie friends to do the same

Attached: LaughingPepe.jpg (229x221, 13K)

I think he refers to twitter marines, but if he browses Jow Forums by any chance, i wouldn't be suprised

Attached: 1528774541148.jpg (710x577, 416K)

is that sergey 2.0?

This could be LINKS summer like ETH summer of 2017. And we know what happened then. ;)

We are all going to make it.

Attached: 1537735123647.png (913x653, 1.01M)

dumbfucks “selling the news” about to get rekt


This. And the digits are proof this is the 411. WE JUST WIN.

hahaha holy fuck that's real


2016 Trump meme levels, my friends

i thought this was sergey

Haven't watched it yet, but was the presentation bullish or a big nothing? See it dumped hard so could've have been that bullish for link

The timeline keeps getting stranger, but I’m fucking loving the ride. I’m about 25% convinced none of you guys are real, and I’m just making all this shit up in my own dimension right now.

meme magic once again, bending the fabrics of reality.

link $1000

Holy KEK. It’s fukin real

we are all dead and this is the alternative timeline. how did you die?

i'm real for sure, only if you're not me that is
>can it be proven with a single fact?

Attached: 1561064283869.png (336x376, 229K)

Was incredibly bullish. Oracle is basically forcing Chainlink adoption on their incubator startups. There will be 50 companies built around Chainlink funded by Oracle in the next year, all will be using LINK tokens.

Thanks, fren

clown world confirmed

I actually feel the same about my own life. It feels like I'm living on a simulation, and I'm the main character.

It all just seems so strange. We were all somehow attracted to this weird, cult like club, and we’re going to get rich as fuck off of some experimental magical internet money? Like what the fuck is this shit? It doesn’t seem very real, the more the link saga unfolds the weirder it gets. I almost lost it when the video game/mainnet release synchronicity was discovered

Link is rapidly approaching legendary meme levels on par with baneposting

It’s even weirder for me cause I didn’t even know anything about chainlink except that it exists but I had a dream that it went up 1,000%. So I woke up but couldn’t find anything about it other than biz obsessing about it. This reminds me of seeing all the bitcoin threads back in the day but this time I’m holding. I think it’s worth it to risk 1k to potentionally make 100k.

Not a great public speaker but the news are solid, maybe he was just nervous