You have 24 hrs to accumulate. You have been warned.
You have 24 hrs to accumulate. You have been warned
Wait im not ready yet
100k stack is enough to make it, 10k is suicide stack. Buy what you can
just sold 4k of this shit
What's in 24 hrs?
Posting the glorious pasta:
>Keeps cucking over FTM.
Those retards can barely handle 100k $ on their chains
>Cronje says Quant is dipshit
Ranjeet FTMers , keep bagholding your piece of shit.
This is the most legit thing since LINK endowed and blessed this board
Keep sucking CZ's dick and pajeetposting Crypto Zombie YouTube AMAs lol, while Quant will connect more than 570 banks
FTM pajeetposting ruined this board
Bosch's worst nightmare ;)
This coin is a fucking joke now lmfao. Literally has been dumping for 2 weeks. If you didn't sell at .03 after the Binance jump you just need to throw anything you have left in to ChainLink and be happy with your pathetic
imagine comparing a coin with mainnet to one without
the coin is less than a year old you fucking cretin
when did the fud get so cringe
ftm is bad but quant is just about the worst project in the space. absolutely nothing to offer and probably a scam.
>he doesnt know about smart cities
>he doesnt know it can handle 300,000 transactions per second
Not gonna make it
Accumulate and you wont regret it
FUCK FUCK FUCK, dont moon without me, please I'm not done accumulating.
You had months to accumulate
Nice buzzwords.
i was 50% link and 50% ftm about a month ago and then i realized ftm is doing nothing but bleed so i sold ftm bags for vidt. i do still have a suicide stack
How big is your stack?
Please FUD it, I need more time to buy
>selling FTM days before Q3
literal dogshit
Keep FUDing so I can accumulate more
Eth Killer, never forget