Hey biz,
I think I made it by chan standards, dream car, qt gf, $40k in crypto, looking forward to a bullrun
Hey biz,
I think I made it by chan standards, dream car, qt gf, $40k in crypto, looking forward to a bullrun
Other urls found in this thread:
lmao 10% of your net worth rule bro
Your gf has fucking TERRIBLE skin...
Post bussy
Is ur gf a trap?
fuck u
No, just thin
Lol nice 2007 c300. Let me guess, you’re a nigger?
> dream car
E250 GTFO nigga
2011 glk?
>$40k in crypto
>making it
>qt gf (male)
um, that's a man
I support you bro! Even if these fags don’t.
Prebull tho nogga
>qt gf
She looks like she's 12 (unless she's actually 12 and then you win the internet) to be Jow Forums approved she has to have a really big brapper and have horrible lactose intolerance and fucked up gut flora causing her to blast methane out of her ass cannon all day long.
White af and no
that's disgusting
I dunno why they like photoshopped obese ogres
>made it
>no braphog gf
You leave Jow Forums right now. If you're not into grotesque ass-monsters and beginning to develop a weird fart fetish, you can leave your LINK at the front desk and GTFO.
>(unless she's actually 12 and then you win the internet)
Jokes aside that isn't a shoop, it's Natasha Crown and she's addicted to plastic surgery on her ass... she's actually so robust she has trouble having sex.
a not a single trap was seen that day, a fully feminine biological young legal white woman
>fully feminine biological young legal white woman (male)
And thank me later
any moar?
Can you post your gfs cock?
We larping. Wanna know how I know? You ain't provide a timestamp you fraudster. I just reversed image searched and found multiple copies of this picture.
>those hands
>those veins in her elbow crease
OP's gf is a cute boy, now post dick
You are truly a disgusting specimin
>no hookers
>no coke
>no yacht
>no 1000 eoy
You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting.
not bad user, not bad
congrats on not having a fat gf, this seems rare nowadays
And thank me later
Thanks brah, they are going extinct
damn boy you are teasing us now
mods get in here this is scam and it need to get banned
No one is going to fall for this lmao
how could that rusty box be a dream car? you lost your virginity in that thing? serious question.
How fucked up is our society, if a girl is not land whale and likes cute clothes like socks and skirts, there must be a catch (dik), this used to be a normal look for a girl a couple of decades ago
unironically looks like a dude lmao. you can do better. get a braphog at least
I like that model, don't need more, If I make it would probably still keep it
Congrats user. Nice legs. Spoiler alert though: Girls who wear knee high socks are 100% guaranteed insane (even if they look sexy).
She's like 1 out of 1000 faties in a leafland
how could that body turn you on , im sure you cant stop fantasiing about hotter girls.
Congrats. Don't listen to these fags. Skinny white girls are the best.
LOL that's a dude!
My thai friends say it like this. lol
>Girls who wear knee high socks are 100% guaranteed insane
my wife stopped wearing them. She is sane now. I miss 'em tho
Only let her wear them to bed then
What am I missing here
If no larp good job. Now don’t fuck up the “made it” part of your life and start having children with her and wife her.
Planning to
he doesn't know how to dress, and he definitely looks 12 user. are you sure he isn't twelve?
Still u are russian communist faggot.
Car dash looks dirty af. “Qt gf” looks like a scrawny boy with poor sense of style. What are you bragging about here? I’m confused...
i meant just someone with a big ass. either way if that's not your thing you can do better. don't settle with someone that passes as a trap. legs, arms, and hands are not very feminine.
>qt gf
>is male
I agree. I had like 70% of my net worth in and just took profits last week and kept in 10%. Its a little sad to see that i could have had more now but its to risky for my blood.
Close enough
> 40k in crypto
> is fucking commie
Mutually exclusive conditions, u should dump ur crypto and donate to proletariat.
post face
It's a man
It's wearing the classic tranny socks
Only freaks wear those things
or at least up to mouth and nose
Who do you think trannies try to emulate with those socks?
picture is a link to a website that can "generate" btc for you.
it "makes" 2 btc for you in one hour! and then suprise suprise, it ask you to deposit .01 btc for "miners fee".
its just a scam and i dont want my biz bros to fall for this.
I'm usually the guy who comes into these threads & defends OP, but seriously man, I think you're dating a trap and are for some reason ashamed of it.
You're Canadian. Look at your PM.
Lol is there any 1 that stupid to fall for this?
Op pls how do I get a gf? :(
her outfit sucks so much it's making my autism go haywire. how the fuck does she think that dress goes with those socks? how the fuck does she think those socks go with those shoes? it looks atrocious. go with plain white socks if you insist on doing that.
He isn't Canadian, he is Russian commie piece of shit.
Hm, don't know tbf, just noticed it over time from posting on here. They all wear the socks
Cьeби нa двaч, хyйлo.
Lol, be interesting, buy mercedes, and have more than that, it's doable
i would love to suck her cock
Look man wether its a trap or not, she/he cant dress bro. Please only wear that shit in the house if anything for your sake.
Super fucking rare with the stick shift.
I like it, I think it's funky
Look at how pointy and disgusting those knees are
shut the fuck up you fatty loving nignogs
you are everything wrong with this fat society
fat ass = fat fucking everywhere in five years
cope, post gf
>knees too pointy, wouldn't bang
all i'm talking about is how this little boy dresses like a retard where did i say anything about weight
I feel this post epitomises Jow Forums.
tfw I have a hotter woman than a male feminist Trudeau
I want to fuck your Gf (male) and fill her boipussy with my cum.
You guys been here to long to think everyone is a discord trannie
Tbh, my first reaction was she was a trap. Just because of the body shape, clothes/socks, and that it's Jow Forums. But I legit believe you now that she's actually a girl. Just seems like you guys are still really young and she hasn't really learned how to dress or carry herself.
Anyway, don't look for validation here user. If she's attractive to you, that's all that matters.
All good, giving some neets hope, we all gonna make it
it is look closer
post car
doesn't matter what you said you braindead faggot. assuming he likes thin girls he should get one that has feminine limbs at least. there's a reason why everyone is mentioning trap/guy. if he likes that specifically then good for him but we're just telling the truth.
I think it's the socks, girls used to wear them, and now girls are dressing manlike and faggots stole that fashion style, total inversion
most mature comment in this thread
the truth is your gf is fat and so are you