What happened here anons. We were supposed to make it and now we’re dumping again

Attached: 50F32EBE-E40F-4806-B5FB-CA8E12D0C119.jpg (707x706, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

so this is what she was truly mourning over all along

Pump and dump shitcoin

>still above previous usd ath
>what happened we're dumping

Attached: 1561489585737.gif (534x338, 1.45M)

hope you're ready for a year or two of sideways user.

that photo makes me uncomfortable

What’s happening? I’m buying the dip while we wait for Azure, Amazon, and Coinbase. All are coming in July. $6.50 by September 1.

>everyday we are higher than previous day
>why are we dumping

Be patient user. Zoom out and see that the news is not falling on deaf ears. The market is aware of Chainlink now and knows it is used by companies like google and oracle and countless others yet to be publicized. Only a fool would sell now

PnD shitcoin. the problem is some people keep forgetting to dump.

i snorted

We're headed back to $1.85 as soon as the chinks wake up and sell the news

Is that AOC virtue-crying at the southern border?


Do you have any respect for the Chinese Jow Forums posters who have to read your reply, only to come across your racist words directed towards them. Have some manners and this is coming from a white guy who doesn't particularly like China.

she looks like she's about to start stomping her feet. fucking delusional progressives

Attached: 1508985519821.png (2000x2500, 1.19M)

kek, WHAT did you say newfag?

And thank me later

Nobody means any disrespect when they say chink. Its just shorthand for Chinese, no need to be offended. Its the same as calling Americans burgers, British people 'bongs' or black people niggers. Its simply more efficient


Attached: loss.jpg (625x790, 120K)

We can go back to 1.60 and it will still be creating a higher low on the daily charts.

they're already awake idiot

Attached: field hockey wife.gif (720x404, 1.12M)

they're about to get dabbed and dunked on

Attached: 1561150038057.png (503x689, 273K)

Lurk more faggot

Chink is short for chainlink

Back to plebbit chink nigger faggot

Bitcoin goes up altcoins go down.
Bitcoin goes down altcoins go down.
Bitcoin goes sideways altcoins go up.

Go back

I am making it. I am up 1000%.

Attached: IMG_20190625_175351.jpg (4128x3096, 1.46M)

Reminder that chainlink is going to be obsolete with ETH 2.0

Reminder that "modern" blockchains don't need this shit. You fell for a json parser shilled by clueless webdevs

except link doesn't depend on BTC price movements nearly as much as other alts

just look at it the past few months.

Idiots don’t understand the significance behind oracle and google.

Wait a few months for news to cool off and accumulate more frens. At least that’s the way I’m going at it

it's not really significant at all imo. don't get me wrong, it's good that people in these companies know about LINK, but it's not anything major. LINK was always about the immediate impact it could make in fintech.... remember when we'd have tons of use on mainnet launch? It's gonna take years for this shit to really reach it's potential

that's some shitty acting

Its THE fucking chance to keep accumulating.

None of your fucking modern blockchains will ever make it. Eth won.

Chainlink will still be useful in Eth 2.0.


this game is where you learn to delay gratification if you want to be wealthy

checked and based

>Chainlink will still be useful in Eth 2.0.
No, it literally won't. Do you even know how Chainlink works?

Hrs just making oracle adoption with oracle as a tag line which Is great but just hypes shit up making it more expensive
Inb4 you had 2 years
It’s never enough