LINK Oracle

This is huge.

"Enterprises will spend $LINK when they call any startups' APIs toward the @chainlink node operators"

"We’re thrilled to work with great companies like Oracle and their @oraclestartup team, which has graciously offered to support 50+ Chainlink nodes/teams that will be providing high-quality inputs and outputs into Oracle’s various blockchain environments @fribeiro1 #smartcontracts"

>430,000 cuatomers
>50+ chainlink nodes/teams
>plaid shirt
>enterprises will spend LINK when they call any startups' APIs toward node operators
>$187 billion marketcap company
>3rd largest software producer in the world

Attached: Oracle.jpg (2836x1460, 224K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The progress is slowly picking up...

It feels as if every single day the pace picks up and we are one step closer to singularity.

Attached: 1557771144180.jpg (680x591, 393K)

>"Enterprises will spend $LINK when they call any startups'

except they'll buy it from sergey for pennies

No one is buying our bags

Not buying Hydro

Attached: 00011.png (1278x648, 93K)


Why would ChainLink give away links below market value? At the end of the day they are business and their goal is to make money on top of their innovations. Idiotic to suggest otherwise.

Going back to sub $2.

Why do i feel like I am in a meme?

Who cares when btc still dictates the price of LINK?

Where's that imagepasta about LINK becoming the new https, partners with every world government and jesus descends from heaven to personally endorse the project and the price still can't break $0.20. Seems more applicable than ever here.

>huge hype
>announcement literally exceeds expectations by leaps and bounds
>price dumps anyways because there wasn't an ORACLE X CHAINLINK slide in the presentation

and now bitcoin is right back to cucking us again. I had thought the hardest times were behind us but I am seriously getting my faith tested all over again, it's like I am in some sort of alternate reality where none of this groundbreaking news is reaching the outside world for some reason.

>Why would ChainLink give away links below market value? At the end of the day they are business and their goal is to make money on top of their innovations. Idiotic to suggest otherwise.

This is a fair question and it relates to the unique properties of getting a platform off the ground.

Once a platform is humming along then intertia is your friend -- everybody comes to your platform because everybody else is already there -- think twitter (or Jow Forums).

But in the early days intertia pushes against you. So you need to figure out a way to jumpstart adoption. One way to do this is to give your service away for free to early adopters. To illutrate: if you are a dating site, then early on you give away memberships for free, or, more specifically give away memberships to WOMEN for free. In the case of open table, they started out by providing TOOLS to restaurants to track seats. Only after they were established that way did they start moving in to offering their reservation service.

So, at first, chainlink will, I suspect give away link tokens to certain users in order to drive adoption.


Attached: 1559119255641.png (900x1039, 418K)

>This is huge.
He's an absolute unit alright

Attached: 1542852314264.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

>third largest software producer in the world
Damn, those other two dudes who have that unit beat must be huuuuge

Since when?

My god it looks like she melted into a Marshmallow Peep

Attached: 1522605065352.jpg (319x331, 15K)

>LINK becoming the new https
Whoever told you this is retarded beyond belief

What did you think the 650m extra tokens were for?

That's pretty much the whole point of the noncirculating supply. First to get the big corps in by giving them a discount, but also most likely to ensure that they won't market sell them either at any point.

She is

a marshmallow

Attached: woogyboogy.jpg (278x260, 10K)

sergey will market sell the whole bag at some point

just watch

Attached: 145214.jpg (255x365, 89K)

So one key take away from this is there are people in moderately important positions browsing the board and very likely posting among us. Not really all that surprising but genuine larps are a very real possibility, most are just completely full of shit. Interesting time to be a marine

tell me about it, they don't even know what's coming.