Alt season isn't coming is it

Alt season isn't coming is it

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I don't want to talk about it man...

so many altcoins from the 2017 bull run mooned

BTC always goes first, then people remember it sucks and switch to alts

Anyone else still holding on to 100% alts?

>bought into XMR and Link around the 13th
>up over 20% on each

it already happened user you just weren't paying attention

that isn't happening this time

just bleeding slowly thanks to xlm

>people won't look to make more money this time

alts are kill, people are seeing btc and eth will be the only survivors

I love xlm but it's performance has been godawful

I dumped bags at 1250 sats and managed to catch some rides in Link and Eth.

>this time is different

BTC is a shitcoin. Its my biggest hold, but that's not because I like it.

>this time is different

It's a project that has real utility and corporate backing in a sea of shit, and yet it still bleeds. I'm just not looking anymore.

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pick an established alt that doesn't crash when btc moves

sitting in btc is never a terrible idea
tethering is almost always risky

sitting in LINK? that's the fucking ticket

sitting in ftm? fucking death wish

t. shaman

btc's run hasnt even ended yet

because it isn't going to end till 15k or higher

At least there's lots of people saying alts are kill now. That's the only thing keeping me from selling.

Uuu’s gone 7x in the past few months. What are you trading


i mean i'm not selling either... but fuck we're probably in for another 20% drop

Well obviously right now is the time to buy alts, but don't let Jow Forums know that. Jow Forums buys high.

right now is the time to buy nothing. bitcoin is too risky, alts are too risky. what do you want to do-- pay a premium or catch a sharp knife?

I'll take Oracles for $1000, Alex.

What is ChainLink, Alex.

There Will be a small alt season but nothing comparable to 2017.

Only the absolute trash and pump and dumps will moon, like chainlink and binance coins. Also pay attention to the deflationary meme coins.

Real investors are starting to see bitcoin as a non correlated asset class. Bitcoin is crypto for most big money invested. They’re using it to hedge against the shit show which is the global market right now. Shitcoins aren’t in the public eye. Why invest in these start up projects when there is already one which is doing the job. Shitcoins are long term bets, maybe in a year we’ll see them come back but I don’t see smallmarket caps running anytime soon

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wait for btc to peak

This last week or so has been very depressing

Are we doomed?