Almost there

almost there

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I can't believe this shit, seriously.


>tfw i pull all the money out of my shitty boomer stocks and invest in btc 10 years ago

why even live

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the first sell off

>screeching eagles

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Manipulated as fuck. I SODL at 5700 and I'm /comfy/ as hell. Enjoy getting dumped on

Calling it right now - pic related shows the price at the halving (green flag) and the price we will retest before then (red line). Cap this

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Double bubble, boil and trouble.

god i hope so. i want to own ONE bitcoin.

You might want to up your dosage of copium friend

after a parabolic run it goes up 2k in 10 months?

Terrifying, and exciting!

Quite possibly if you look at 2015/2016


lol The Dark Knight is almost here


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we have a classic Bart hair pattern developing

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there was no parabolic move like this in 2015
this is completely different
USDT is being used to pump this market up
if anything this look like an exit scam


USDT has 1/60th the market cap of BTC how is that supposed to impact the price????

Listen to this guy. Literally nobody is talking about Bitcoin. Who could possibly be finding this pump. Bitfinex maintenance soon btw

There's no fucking way you're comfy.

Fucking Fidelity, Ameritrade, other big institutionals, North Korea, Iran, etc weren't buying in 2015

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xanbars and hookers for days can numb alot of pain.

He said it was going to correct first.

>I mean it's only $3.5 billion that's nothing

Bullshit there was "no parabolic move like this in 2015". Look again. Look at the %'s.

the market has been going up for 6 straight months retard. there's nothing different about this and 2016-2017 except the numbers are bigger

Do you know how much money it would take to maniuplate this market? USDT has 1/60th the MCAP of Bitcoin! If it dumps it's not going to touch bitcoin lmao

So? Bitcoin is 210 Billion

Nice 1 second chart kid

If Tether went to 0, it would drop BTC by maybe 1.5%

Well, yes there is something different about this compared to 2016/17 - that was after the halving. We are still pre-halving. We're in 2015/16.

yes it's merely a coincidence

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Do your own research. There is plenty to read about the subject. You have been warned

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thats a lot of gadoosh that can be thrown

Is bitcoin making tether print more money or is it the other way around think about it. Tether has 1/60th the market cap of bitcoin! If tether dumps, so what!

You must unironically be autistic, and not in a good with numbers way, more like the screeching super fucking annoying way

best I can find
doesn't even come close and that's if we retrace from here

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Warned about what! Explain it to me like I'm a brainlet! I believe we're seeing authentic price action.

I got in here, did not expect it to run up this high, this fast.

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nothing about price is authentic. Its all a meme.

you can clearly see that USDT market cap move are followed by the crypto market cap about 30 days later


Less than what you think.

Btc market is something like this:

30% arb bots/30% normal bots/10% retail/30% market makers

The arb bots are delta neutral wich means they dont take part on the chart, only create volume, the normal bots and retail they have stops/liqs, since most of the money in this market is created trought derivates (bitmex and copycats) wich are limit order driving markets (you make money being the maker) is really easy to force stops (market makers have reduced fees)

You could force a 5min resistance on less than 30M.

this isn't a difficult prediction to make, bitcoin still has almost 1 year left before the halving.

We are unironically going to take out the ATH on this run alone. There's more than enough room left at the tippy top when you assume the parabola goes full retard to take out 20k

Imagine being that stupid fucking faggot who said we were going lower at 3k. Just imagine. The greatest rally in human history, and you were there to buy the bottom, and you fucking blew it because you're a greedy faggot. I hope those bear FAGGOTS from early 2019 are literally fucking hanging from a ceiling fan somewhere.

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ye dude they can just predict the future

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tether follows BTC, not the other way around

showhow stellar and nano are still down from when i bought
at least i got vechain though

Some of them are and they died with their bitcoin wallets encrypted.

peoples are just retarded tonight
do you not see the part where the blue line goes to shit 36 days before btc crash ?
then how the market bounce 31 days after USDT start being printed again ?

the only thing no pushed by USDT is the April 100M$ spot buy / short squeeze, probably done a small group of investor going long at the same time
but right after that, it's mass USDT pumping, allowing btc to destroy all levels of resistance like if they were not there

This is fucking bananas...I sold three out of my stack at 5600....I got so fucked on those. No back testing of anything...blasting thru all resistance levels. This makes no sense.

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>stack at 5600

I read that as "stack of 5600" :O

>selling bitcoin

first mistake

Kek, if only I had that many.

It was fucking clear, just need to see the pump to 4k4 on a daily basis, not a single red day, they turned the laddering on. Wich not means that you should short lol, if you can spot this its free fucking money.

Manipulation is good.

>Manipulation is good.
yeah if you can cash out before the exit scammers do. i mean, how is this not all leading up to the greatest exit scam ever.

>Manipulation is good.
we dance until the music stop am I right ... just try not to be the last one out the door

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The music later sound on reverse, learn to make money on the way down too, the only question is when/where they wanna do it, some nice spots: 12700-14000-18000 a break to 23 and rip would be fun also lol



Thanks, Doc.

My point is you can no longer consciously dca btc for the long run, which wasn’t the case in 2014-2016. It’s unironically over

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>hi i am high iq bull

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bitcoin has never pumped from actual buying . it's always been tether and I LOVE IT

else we'd be at 50 bucks per btc

You had your chance on the way down... Some big wallets bought at 5k then at 4k and then at 3... If you just follow them what are the chances of you losing money? Now ask yourself, what are the chances of someone losing 100M+ *betting* it would go higher than 5k

>what are the chances of someone losing 100M+ *betting* it would go higher than 5k

they probably sold immediately
the whole point of that buy was to kill the shorts which had accumulated at 3k and going long a the same time

if they really wanted btc they would have bought them otc at a discount not spot buying at a premium

kek, based. remember capslock user? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Notice i said wallets, wallet to wallet transactions are a thing, and completly trackeable


This price action is beyond retarded. It's only happening because the people who want out haven't found a bigger idiot yet. When somebody with enough money baits the dump will be brutal.

Zero corrections since 3,2k. This shit will dump like there is no tomorrow at any moment

If you have the time to actively trade and follow news, more power to you. Most people don’t

Yeah, but really, dont try to short, stay on the sidelines taking small trades.

When this dumps, just wait for a retest and shor,t is the safe/easy way

>Zero corrections since 3,2k. This shit will dump like there is no tomorrow at any moment

every dump has been absorbed so far, even now, we've gone from 9 to 12k in 6 days and it feel like ther's no selling pressure at all, every dump is cut short instantly, there's no panic dumps, dead cats don't roll over they just make higher lows
I don't see it stopping at this point the momentum is too hard. back in 2017 it took 4 red days and a 20% drop to have the first capitulation, I just feel like it's impossible for btc to do this now

I literally quoted you

And thank me later

keep waiting for a dip while we get rich, dumb-ass

yep just cheeked the chart we have not seen 4 red days since February 8 ...

You absolute brainlet, $3.2k WAS the correction.

I remember laughing my ass off when thinking about the idea that it would just go straight up with nothing to stop it for 30 months in a row.

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>Not buying futures in backwardation to make even more on the long run

Any other real trader out there to share ideas?

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>Has to mask size.
Let me guess, 0.03 BTC?

>Ask about size
>Hes was probably short at 3k

What a fag

It needs to dump a freakin lot to get on your level

kek imagine unironically believing that bitcoin will only go up 10% in the next year

Nice red herring, poorfag.

BTC will fall back down to ~$8,500 first

>sold my 3 eth at 290 cause I thought it wasnt going to go past 10k

For the past 6 months, every rational and well visualized prediction for price I've seen has been entirely wrong. It's evident that BTC is extremely sensitive to world news, driven largely by a handful of whales seeing BTC as a nice hedge. Long story short: unless you can predict the future (result of trade war, Iran, fed rates, brexit, etc.), you can't predict BTC.

How they will cashout without normies money?

> implying they want to cash out fiat

You think normies wont came when we break 20k?

Now, you really dont think, that the same normies who bought 20k are not going to buy 100k this time again?

stock to flow

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Not impossible but unlikely sub 20k

BSV cope