Daily reminder

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1 BTC in alts=100+ BTC buddy

Try it there will only ever be 21 million BTC.

I don't have BTC but had sex yesterday. So you and your meme is retarded?

I had sex today and own 3 bitcoins, so you're retarded.

i never have sex and i hold chainlink

i had a bitcoin today and own 3 sex, so you're retarded.

And thank me later


TFW 0.15 BTC to his name

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I've never even touched a girl & I'm all in LINK

>hodl 35 BTC

Looking forward to all the sex

I know that feel, 0.16 here, holding quite some ETH though

sucking a dildo is not considered sex, you incels.

>only 3

i-i wont have to settle for a fatty will i? my alts will be good enough r-right?

is this legit

user dont be retarded

3.4 normie who fomo'd in at 7800

someone tell me im gonna make it pls

is that a yes?

3 will make it. You'll get at least a 7

Honestly in 10 years 1 bitcoin might be able to buy a mansion.

>woman's opinion

finally. im going to make it.

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