Where were you when Sam Hyde ended chainLINK?
Where were you when Sam Hyde ended chainLINK?
weak fud
i'd legit kick this faggot's ass
i'm in boston come at me sam
i'm just as quirky and funny as you but my ego doesn't need to be satiated because i dropped acid
fucking scum
hey sam maybe learn how to fucking code and then you'd understand chainlink
also is the new edgy way to post chainLINK?
cause that's fucking gay like when you fuck trannies
wtf site is this from?
also happy Sam is about to become a marine, that's like a dream for me. he IS on the LINK blastoff picture after all
he's right. he has a higher iq than you. buying chainlink now is a terrible idea. should have done so a year ago
based and redpilled.
sam hyde literally cant stop having sex with trannies.
Stinkies absolutely destroyed
extremely fucking based.
twitterfags need to hit sam up and help him out
why? he legitimately seems like a retarded douchebag
Hi Sam
hes 100% right. linkies dont even know how chainlink works. no one does. sergay is philosophy major for fucks sake. he heard about the oracle problem and tried to jump on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.
is sam still /ourguy/?
>beautiful game theory
Come on sam get with the game bud
>literally first argument was "market cap"
>didn't even have to read
saved some time at least
Eighteen. Fucking. Decimal. Places. Niggers.
I fucking hate Sam Hyde so much. He was never funny. I've hated him since before he was known on this website. I remember the first time his video was posted on Jow Forums in some shitty comedy club where he got kicked out for making a "racist" (actually it was just shit and unfunny) joke.
I don't know why this site has latched onto this fucking unfunny loser.
exactly. as an epert myself i can say with confidence sergey's & chain LINKS capabilities are monstroous to say the leest
don't fuck this up same put all your''re savings into chhain LINK
Thanks, just bought 100k more chainLINK!
i remember the same. I left for a while, came back, and he was a meme by that point. newfags ruin everything they touch
The only funny thing about Sam Hyde was people trying to name him as the shooter in every mass shooting event.
It's sad though, a comedians most funny moment was when he was the butt of someone else's jokes.
>buying a shitcoin
Just buy bitcoin you niggers
>hyde is a link marine
uh about that bros
>believing anything sam hide says
How does he call himself a comedian if he’s never told a joke that was funny
> but my ego doesn't need to be satiated because i dropped acid
never gonna fucking make it
He's just protecting himself from getting sued by some trannie that's all.
Sam hyde lives rent free in the heads of chapotrannies
>steve jobs
>double helix
>lots of other shit
I like Chainlink. I like Sam Hyde.
Now I'm worried.
His twitter
Amazing analysis. Very well done. Just sold 100k and bought 100k trannies instead.
when you sift through the bullshit
>very cool ideas that are inevitable
thanx sam :)
t. sam
Sam is ahead of the curve he was mining back in 2013 or some shit
>fucking reddit: the thread
Just read the last line and save yourself some time
what does sam hyde understand about computer science that I should take him seriously on anything regarding crypto
Where's the picture of Sam and his girlfriend sporting the bloody nose.
Samuelstein Hydeberg hasn't even read the whypappah.
actually nvm i actually read the thing and 5) is a pretty valid point
linkies hype "le google parternship" but its just a blog by 1 developer
google is a company of like what, 60,000+ employees and insanely profitable? they hedge on moonshot shit that doesn't work all the time because they can afford to.
why cry about this, put like 500 spacebux into it and see what happens who cares