Who here comfy working from home ?

Attached: 152ACF6A-815F-4E95-AC62-498931CD408E.jpg (1537x2050, 557K)

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Who here comfy not having to work and staying home all day? Fuck off wagie. You're still not a free man

Why are you watching white nationalist propaganda?


Small business owner here and I still prefer to work in the office.

The problem with working at home is the distractions. When I actually want to get some work done, I need complete concentration or I lose my train of thought.

>White Nationalist propaganda
>Jews and niggers pollute the scene

I never understood this argument. For me that always comes back to a weakness on your part

This is why i work from home

Hey guys, it's a Fox news watching flaming faggot. What's worse, he's likely a Trump voter who slobs on Don's knob. Get da fuck out of here it's Bernie or bust. After he wins the primaries the Donald is gonna know first hand what it like to feel the burn.

i work from home but today i went to the library. exciting times.

Yes, this is absolutely true, but that's just how things are right now.

>Being this much of a cia nigger
Drowning feels good when you finally let go
Shit like this everywhere today, must be a bullrun coming

go hang yourself commie

>Looking down at your laptop

You posture going to get fucked. Google some ergonomics

>zionist kike larping as a bernie supporter

>(((white))) nationalist propaganda


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Lol, absolutely this. It’s crazy how much of them are actually on the chans. Always trying to D&C, promote race mixing and trannies.

>that staged pic
Are you that Koding with Karly chick?


You mad fren ?

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>Microsoft word

you have to be from reddit to be this dumb...


clean your roo-...ince-

looks very clean, organized and comfy, user

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Libs in 1999
>we're going to Seattle to protest and shit the World Trade Organization the fuck down, comrades!!!
Libs in 2019
>pro populous anti-corporatist-globalization is a dog whistle for white nationalism!!! RREEEEEEEEE

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And thank me later


>owning the libs brooooo
objectively, America has gotten worse since he became president. More immigration than obama and much less deportations.
>war on (((antisemitism)))
>war on (((white supremacy)))
yeah he's great


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What work do you do at home fren?

This is the absolute cringiest post I've ever seen here. Congrats on this, seriously

How do people still fall for bait like this

jesus christ

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biz is not the place for socialist commie fagnigs

Jow Forums in 2010
> edgy hacktivists that everyone secretly loves
Jow Forums in 2019
> white supremacy and qanon conspiracies

Don't listen to these faggots. I too stand with Israel, our greatest ally.

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what is your job?

that pic is obviously a redditor making an attempt at humor.
>which *he failed

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And thank me later


And yet here you are because of.....link?

Any Year:
The hacker known as 4chinz is always right about those who remove the foreskins

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Trump serves Israel.

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Kill yourself, you low IQ mutt.

Fuck off you right wing retard. This is a NEET board. Get back to work so I can buy my tendies.

Even when they openly attack us for false flag wars?

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here since 2017