Is there any hope for IQlets
How can a 121 IQ INTJ zoomer become rich?
You shouldn't even be making your 121 IQ a part of your identity user. That is barely a standard deviation above average, you are a completely ordinary person. 130 IQ is and always will be the minimum to outsmart the Jew
I'm only mentioning my IQ because I wanted to know if 121 IQ is enough to be decent at quantitative analyst roles and study mathematical finance at uni or if I should just do accounting or CS or something
Pretty sure none of those jobs ask for your IQ or make you take an IQ test bro.
And that INTJ is just retarded lol. At least IQ has some basis on psychology but that MBTI shit is literally just made up by some randoms lol.
I know an INTJ who became a federal patent examiner. Makes $130k and gets to work remotely from home, easy as fuck.
Sounds pretty bases. Any certs of degree needed for that?
Gooberment jobs are usually the safest bet here in leafland. The only others are microsoft jobs at satellite buildings (still way less than US bros)
Try industrial engineering.
hey user, average-IQ, average-looking user here
>be average IQ, average looking
>go to mid-tier college, work ass off to get entry-level data analyst job at a mid-tier bank
>realize after 1-2 years at work that there's no difference between performing well and giving a good performance of performing well
>realize that everybody liking you is more important than doing the best possible work
>slowly transform from insecure, overworked, virgin data analyst into chad data scientist who goes home no later than 6 PM every day
>don't actually do any work; basically just talk and make powerpoints and broker other people's ideas and take credit for other people's work
>salary goes from $65k to $245k between several job changes and a promotion
>mfw trying to be the best worker turns out to be the virgin path and just being more confident and outgoing than your peers can triple your income
you likely won't make it because you have a tendency to believe in bullshit that flatters your ego, and that makes you a RIPE target for scammers.
If you want to make it, you have to be honest with yourself. You don't have to be honest with others, but you have to be honest with yourself or you will stay deluded and poor.