Literally Clown World

Let me get this right...

A senior dev at Oracle, the #3 largest software company on earth valued at $150 Billion dollars with 400,000 unique customers, got up at CloudExpo in front of thousands of people and told the world that Oracle would be working closely with Chainlink over the next few months to develop custom oracles and endpoint adaptors for a lineup of no less than 50 startup companies all of whom are eager to start monetizing their API data via Oracle's Blockchain-as-a-Service offering, and the node operators are going to need to stake LINK and be paid in LINK, both of which they're going to need to buy off of exchanges.

But he didn't show a giant slide that said 'ORACLE X CHAINLINK' on it, so the price immediately tanked 20%.

Did I get that right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Oh my sweet summer child you will be ate alive in this cryptosphere


Oracle is literally boomer tier.

>completely sidestepping the fact that he wore a red plad shirt and shouted out to his fellow marines

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A literal who BR from a sattelite office =/=oracle or anyone’s important

Retards have no reading comprehension

this is what denial feels like user

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Literally who?

it's called "sell the news" retard

also oracle is a shit has-been company that has fallen from grace to being a patent-trolling shell of itself.

Small pump and dump for the buy the rumor sell the news meme

However long term this is insanely good for link, the maturity of the link network, and hopefully for the pocket book of some of those startups, oracle, Fernando and his Indian friend, the chainlink team, and most importantly all of the great lads on Jow Forums

This is one of the best link announcements yet instead of random shitcoin X it will be random offchain data provider Z

And in the end we all win

If you’re not literally selling your organs as fast as humanly possible right now to scoop as much sub $3 LINK as possible then I don’t know what to tell you Jow Forums

I'm already leveraged the fuck in with a $40k personal loan and a $20k 401k loan. Average buy-in 50c, I'm up like $240k so far on initial. Peeling a little of my stack off every month now to pay back the principal. I'm not shaken by this price action, I'm in it to win it. But still, what the fuck is wrong with moonbois and with this market. It's so irrational it makes me want to puke sometimes.

There's nothing logical left in this world. But at least you see the true path, hold steady...and one day, once the final oracle question has a "final solution".. the LINK will rise again.

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Attached: Chainlink Coffee.jpg (1280x668, 256K)


cope, it is oracle

How do expect LINK to be viable in aiding smart contracts if one LINK is worth $1000?
For the oracle network to be efficient it needs a lot of oracles. How do you expect that to scale if the cost increases exponentially?

it fell 14% from its newly established high

and a lot of people probably retired in the process of it all

What are decimals

I'd say we're less than 3 months from "take off" in that chart.

We found the retard in the room.
Links are divisible, just like Bitcoin...

Takeoff was mainnet/google you retard. We are in awareness already.

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>We haven't even hit media attention yet
You know if you're gonna scare the newfags into selling at least make it convincing, tranny

Sell the news.

Is this 2016 or something?

Why so many newfags

It doesn't. The token is worthless. ERC20s in general are all worthless.

Shadow forks are the real deal

That's not what I meant.
What would keep someone who owns 0.001 link from handling the same amount of contracts as someone who owns 1000 links?
I couldn't find an answer to that on their white paper. But it's obvious that the amount of tokens matter.

Sell the news.

>What would keep someone who owns 0.001 link from handling the same amount of contracts as someone who owns 1000 links?
Because LINK is collateral and 0.001 of collateral is not the same as 1000? How is this hard to understand?

lmfao fuck off tranny

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Yeah apparently it's just not enough for the crypto market m8.

Google and Oracle couldn't even pump this shit to $2,50 and you brainlets think $1000 is someday on the table? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Meme magic is real

>being so poor you don't even drink coffee an elephant shat out

Only one coping right now is Chainlink holders. Down 30% in sats over the last 10 days

I buy the dip

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you think i care about sat value long term? only people who care about sat value are swinglinkers

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And thank me later

Sell the news bruh


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so if link kept dropping sats but gaining fiat value you'd be perfectly alright? why don't you just invest in btc then at that point? the point is to be outperforming btc

people are going to fomo this shit so hard if it doesn't stop

the point is, in nearly a decade when one link is worth a tremendous amount and we're the global elite, bitcoin won't be very relevant anymore. i only care about link value.

sergs > sats

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>Because LINK is collateral
Where did you get that from?
The node operator will attach a penalty payment. It doesn't need to be link.

“Eaten” you imbecile

lmao just lmao

absolute state of you

Why you think this?

Because that is what's written in their document.

I do not see any reference to use third party tokens

I screencaped this from their website.
Also I read somewhere in their site that at they plan on making link compatible with other tokens beside ethereum.

Attached: Capture.png (754x218, 33K)

Probably the bots suppressing the price again

You one of them retards I keep hearing about?

You are in denial.

> or anyone's important
I fucking despise Indians.
They aren't people. They're cockroaches.
Kill yourself, Ranjesh.