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D-do I just accept the FOMO?
I've been waiting for a correction since 7...

"Impossible" - Bane, in Christopher Nolan's film The Dark Knight Rises

I bought BTC at $12k in late 2017 and sold it at 3.2k because i thought it was going to 1.5k whats the best way to kns?

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FUCKING $12,100 already. UNSTOPPABLE.


this is exciting. bears fuck yourselves.

>d-do i buy high even though i had over a year to buy low??


I didn't finally have money to buy in until it broke 6500, the other money I had I'd putin on ETH and watched bleed to nothing.


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Celebrate good times, bulltard. Just know that the bulls never stay in town for too long. It won't be long before death and destruction rain down on your world.

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just fucking buy already, dumbass. correction isnt coming. were going straight to 20k


depends where you think it'll go and how long you will hold

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When alt season! It’s no fair

Fucking not gonna make it sitting on the sideline

fuck everyone!

I'm holding for three years minimum and was going to start DCA into Monero next month.

no more alt season. only real coin now

>the biggest shitcoin there is
>real coin

alts are worthless garbage that exist purely to trade with to take bitcoin from retards

congrats, you're finding out what side of the trade you're on.

Wait now until it lowers a bit in like q few hours

BTC dominance hasn’t been this high since April 2017 so who knows when it’s going to be

unironically getting close to the time when we should be buying alts.

Should I sell before I go to sleep?

just buy back what are you waiting for? 50k btc?

this, you faggot bears posted nonstop while bitcoin was down and now you're all fucking hiding


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hard to say. I doubt that I can sleep in the next hours..

I wonder if there will even be a correction like 2017. most people should be used to it by now and maybe they won't sell out of capitulation and fear this time. or maybe we are going straight to 30-40k and correct from there

And thank me later


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eth went up big too. what the fuck. should i swap my eth into bitcoin? this is such a clown fucking market

We're going to go up forever

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Kek. I'll just set a stop loss at 11.5 and buy back in if it dips below that.

Just a matter of time.

Let them have their fun now.

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Well beyond 20K

the last time I saw this image was before the crash desu

Fuck. Same. I don't understand why we're going up so fast too. We should be spending a month or 2 at each level and gradually moving up but no, nobody seems to have learned a fucking thing.

Not him but, I only have 1500-2000 $ to spend.

Will I partially make it?

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I will someday shit on your grave.

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Now it's $12,233.

meant to reply to someone else?

muh tulips watched it go from 3k to 12k and whiffed again on buying it
the fomo's going to be real this time boys

When do I sell though?

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12325 now

>he doesn't know

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15k or higher

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imagine EVER selling bitcoin for stinky fiat

I'm reading $12,257.00

yo what the FUCK is happening bois

if it gets too high, you won't really be able to sell. there will be crazy fees and "ERROR MESSAGES" and timeout messages etc. if bitcoin completely dives, the exchanges will not complete the order because by the time you are done waiting in line; your bitcoin will no longer be worth what you agreed to.

have fun waiting in line 4 hours to sell your coin

Turn on CNN. Iran struck down a military plane, China is siding with Iran and increased tariffs 20%. US markets just closed when the strikes happened, investors are pouring money into safe havens. This will 10x by the end of the week.

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Close, but to be realistic you want China not fully committing to Iran.

China wins long term if Iran seems weak enough for us to attack.

lmao being this retarded

hes gonna buy at 50k or 100k and call it a scam after it corrects



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Wishful mate.
We’re going to 20k

No buy at 27k when the Normies return at ath triggering the golden bullrun

The king is bad