Hi it’s me insider whale user

You have 3 hours to go before the big crash. Have you taken profits yet? If I am wrong, come back and laugh at me.

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Other urls found in this thread:


i'll save time and laugh at you now


How have you not killed yourself yet? Seriously what's your secret? This is unbelievable.

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Remember for maximum profits, sell right BEFORE the crash, not months AFTER!

go ask your mother, summerfag

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Buy NPXS .01 EOY

My secret is not being wrong yet, but this might change in 3 hours. If I am right, come back and say “im sorry for doubting you based whale user!”

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Both of those predictions will be coming true today, if you check the time and date in your own fucking screencap.

Do you honestly think we believe your larp? What's going to happen over the next week nobody can stop. 20k will happen because it needs to happen.
Now kindly fuck off with your larp.

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Yes sir, but IF i am right, come back and lick my whale balls

I've been laughing at you and renko for weeks

Go ahead whale, make my day

hell I'll make you a bet, 1 BTC this doesn't crash

surely you have BTC to spare lmao

"Bart back down to 3.5k"

You are delusional, seek help.

OK I sell everything now sir

so whales are planing to dump during the finex shutdown ?

>implying I haven't diversified into safer coins and protected my main investments by setting stop-loss sell orders
FUD harder, whale larper

>implying there are safe coins at all when it all burns down

>implying you're not larping

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Did you not see this coming since last week? I’m selling my entire holdings in 2 hours and 40 mins for MAXIMUM GAINZ

I love the fact that you've literally never proved you're a whale like ever and still some peoples believe you

I learned from the best; Tether Inc.

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Doesn’t this get tiring

Not until I am wrong.

take him to the infirmary

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if this is true I'm not selling just so I can post a pink wojack. I miss that guy

even if we crash to 8k its literally where we were 10 days ago, hardly a correction and we wont go below 8k the fomo is real, too much ppl waiting to get in

True, which means it has to dump REAL BAD

You want the top?
screencap this

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it literally just keeps going up hahahahahaha absolutely btfo

rofl nice try buddy

2 hours to go, pic related is you

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I'm selling my .7 bitcorn, you've convinced me

Post suicide note once you realize you are wrong

And vice versa, then it’s a deal

how big is your larp stack

Now now, you of all people should know that we gentlemen do not boast of the size of our stacks, larp or otherwise. Anyway, $200 and 2 hours to go, I’ll be getting ready to spam that sell button real soon. Easiest profit of my life, once in a lifetime opportunity.

hmm there is def some sus movement in whale wallets right now...

you are wrong again btw


Well, there goes $12,700. I am rooting for you, I enjoy chaos.

1 hour plus to go. I’ll be making some coffee. Be back soon anons!

How sure are you kiddo

binance is at 12770


lol faggot larper

you convinced me enough to throw a tiny bet in, lets see what happens user

12,900 now hahahahaha but muh 12,700 top

Eh, plus minus a few hundred, more money for me when I sell. It’s easy to underestimate the greed of the masses


only because of twitter.com/whale_alert and the recent movement of BTC to coinbase and finex

Lol, how does it feel to be wrong fag

> Universe goes out of it's way to make a laughingstock of a larping faggot on Jow Forums
> Creates the GBR ironically
It would happen this way

Oh man, those chink bros who are snapping this shit up right now are gonna be pissed if this larp turns out not to be a larp

>whole board laughs at whale user
>kek takes notice and produces the most clown world outcome
>whale user was right all along

You had me going but looking at the charts immediate correction will not go beyond 10%, which isn’t worth selling over. It will not high jump (and immediately go down) until we high jump meaning bust through ATH. Look at every >10% dump that was not ATH. They all follow a crab after a >10% moon.

Sorry whale. Your stacks aren’t *THAT* big.

The charts are bullshit, use your head man

Seriously it's like we're in a simulation and once we start to notice it tampers down

And thank me later


Spreading disinformation in a time like this? ...


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Every retrace before this has been instantly bought up, so all anons everywhere have been conditioned to take this for granted. Perfect time to scalp the market. The only question now is who will be the quickest to scoop up the available real liquidity.

this is a scam it asks for a gas fee and takes your money

Dont click the spammer link dumbass, that fucker is on every thread


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You literally make this post every day and am wrong every time. You have no credibility

I literally posted everyday that the last pump and dump will be today. Check the screencaps

No. He’s been calling tonight since Saturday.

There has been one hell of a moon...

yep the tether supply is strong
dumps just get absorbed

1.5 hours to go, I’m still here aint I

I've seen "dumps" get absorbed and reduced to nothing so many time now this feels no different
8h ago the price was 11700 and we can't even retest that

I want to believe this will crash but my gut tell me it's not going to

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Relax friend: there’s more than an hour to go. I’m just sipping my freshly brewed coffee

I sold yesterday at a good profit. I really fucking hope you’re right

convinced me, I sold my .4 BTC

And thank me later


If you took profit, you’re already ahead of 98% of the field

it's just gonna go sideways for 4-6h from here then go up

I can’t believe you made me sell honestly (from one of your earlier threads). I have had iron hands for yeeaars. Yet somehow I believe(d) you. Let’s see

Fuck off with the spam

where are we going with this dump and what's the lowest btc price we'll see by eoy?

If I am right, one day please tell some children the tale of the whale user who got it right.

>The only whale here

>pajeet tier scams are back
Truly a sell signal

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Wait an hour, it’ll do a last gasp pump then I’m making a run for it


The maintenance of bitfinex starts at 8:00 UTC dumbass, it’s in 2 hours

I will. Please please have it right. At what price will you buy back? If it comes down to $3500 i’ll be able to buy 3 bitcoins. Doubling my stack

What was it?

I’m never coming back friend, crypto is damaging to your psychology. Tell me your mental health hasnt deteriorated since you started tracking a 24/7 volatile market.

The dump happens before, it takes time to move things around.

It’s stabling compared to 2013-4, 2017-8. This month is an exception.


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I’ve been in crypto for 4 years or so. I think I’ve only been obsessed with it 2-3 months total, whenever it does insane pumps or dumps like now. That’s when I lose sleep. Apart from that it’s not that bad though

8:30 UTC
that's in 30min

In the past, BTC has pumped during finex or mex maintenance. Probably will happen again.

Remember, even blockstream gave up on btc as a currency, and lightning network is a joke. Now it’s all about pumps and dumps, sadly enough.

No, it's in 2hr 30min. 4:30am EST.

Sure, you can laugh at me if that happens. Pretty sure they didnt have internal bitfinex documents revealed in court in the past though.

arf my bad you're right
haven't slept in 35h now