This is it

I can only buy 1k atm
Will this reach over $1 eoy?

No targets bro, just hold until you make it

yep going to throw in 10k soon when i get my next paycheck.

Are you kidding? It will reach $1 EOY even if gwei/sat value stays on the same level

Is the partnership update and listing having something to do with the holy trinity? Marketing partnerships sounds bullish af. With BTC going crazy and the insanely low supply and market cap this is a perfect storm that is brewing here. It’s possible to see 300% daily gains incoming on IDEX on these low cap gems. $2.8m market cap is absolutely nothing when BTC is at 13k

Yeah, im just debating between this and RSR. Ill go with Next, thanks user

Wht makes next special

NEXT is running on its own blockchain. Its a Hyrbid Exchange comprised of the best of both worlds in regards to DEX and CEX. Users will have control of their own private keys to deter the exchange becoming a bullseye for hackers. They will have IEOS and STOS, they will give Custom Short Addresses that you can use to receive deposits etc without having to remember some long string of numbers and letters, Masternodes assist in the high 100k TPS. Merge mined with BTC. DAG based. 3 mil plus circulating supply, 30 mill total supply; will be mined over 15 years. Holding NEXT gives various benefits including discounted fees and early access to trading newly listed assets. They will have a dutch auction style IEO for 1000000 NEXT tokens derived from the development fund in order to obtain either an EMI license on their own or completely buy a company with licensing already in place. This will allow them to create IBAN/SEPA bank accounts without dealing with a third party(bank). Mainnet coming to the public this week. V 1.1 of the site, which is intended to be a heavy upgrade from current one, is to be released over the course of the next couple of months. Fee distribution if holding NEXT is another benefit. KYC for fiat pairs and most accounts over certain amount of volume of trading but that's because they are fully regulated/licensed and intending to play by the rules so no wash trading or fake 24h volume. The entire exchange will function on its own blockchain to achieve decentralization. I'm sure I'm missing something.


The persisting amount of circlejerking and larping in the next threads is actually very astonishing. But that even Jow Forums doesn't care anymore about that sheer failure just shows how DOA next is. At least that cringeworthy Gary thing is hopefully over thanks to that obnoxious next shilling samefag from yesterday.

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