Can someone PLEASE give me some real information without trying to fuck me over?
Do I buy bitcoin now? I've been waiting and waiting and it won't go down. Is this my last chance? What should I do? Should I buy alts??
Can someone PLEASE give me some real information without trying to fuck me over?
Do I buy bitcoin now? I've been waiting and waiting and it won't go down. Is this my last chance? What should I do? Should I buy alts??
Buy alts on idex
1 btc to make it.
>FOMOing in a parabolic chart
Buying here is super risky, invest only what you can lose
FOMO initiated.
Buy eth right now, it’s probably the smart decision
Yup, I'm putting 5k in every 3 days since 7k, this is btc bull market. Don't fuck around or you'll miss it
I would t. Unless losing that money not too much of a big deal. It s basically gambling at this point. y-you too Annie
sorry I don't date niggers
No. get your cash ready for the dip.
There will be a 30% correction. If BTC hits 13K, move your cash to an exchange of your choosing and set up a buy ladder for like 10K - 9K
She's got that "I'm going to steal your private keys and poison your oatmeal" look but i bet she can suck some mean dick
Yes you buy, especially when a large chunk of the burgers start trying to withdraw from binance in BTC form and binance goes insolvent because they can't cover it
If you don't have the answer, your money would best be spent purchasing a copy of "The Bitcoin Standard"
Read that in one day and if you're still unconvinced on BTC, then I can't help you user
No, it is literally never your last chance. There will always be another moon mission.
That feeling you have "Is this my last chance? Will I MISS OUT?" it is the most common poor investing bias known to man; FOMO. Fear of missing out. There will ALWAYS be another good opportunity, do not buy in when the price is at its ath just because you're worried you'll miss this one.
You will lose money
Buy now, two possibilities
>BTC crashes, you have to wait a few (maybe 8 or 10) months for it to be on the green again
>BTC skyrockets and you make mad cash in a month or two
thats why I dont mind risking
its the top
Don’t buy here. Wait till it drops to aroind 7-8k and then buy. It will rise to 86k in 2020 and that isn’t even the top. Buy here there is no risk, you’ll get dumped on and panic sell and cry but it will rise nigger
Get LTC instead, it hasn't followed yet. ETH is an option too, it still has room to go up. That or ORN, but it's going to be a while before you see huge profits on it.
Goddamn idiot..
You should have bought weeks ago.
Go and buy right now, and stop being greedy. Greedy pigs get slaughtered
Relax, retard. major correction coming soon, probably this weekend. Just buy the dip