Basically Oracle will implement nodes for start-ups using chainlink. This is so huge yet we dropped, why, you ask...

Basically Oracle will implement nodes for start-ups using chainlink. This is so huge yet we dropped, why, you ask? Thank the whales for fudding reddit.
If there would be new buyers do you think they would manage to control the market? You are very easily controllable and whales know it.
All whales shouting fuck reddit, while dumping on us.
Think about it, Google is implementing chainlink, Oracle same, yet, we barelly moved. It's about making money, and you all know it. Twitter fags are right in shilling, i might join them in every medium available. Are you user? Or you want to be at mercy of the whales? It's been enough, they want strong hands so they can dump us and take profits without any fear that they can loose their position .
I sure hate reddit but what I hate more is being manipulated for my hate. Link will go viral from this point. Mark my words whales. Mark my fucking words.
It's important to have a better price when the bull run starts so we can rise higher

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Other urls found in this thread:

im so fucking tired of this ive started shilling im not supporting the whales anymore im tired of being poor

There's nothing in the world that will convince normies this isn't a scam token. You've fudded this project straight into the ground.

nah I'd rather get dumped on. fuck the twitter shills and fuck plebbit. I'll hold link all the way back to 20¢. I hope it goes there too, because I'm tired of seeing retards like satoshiflipper on Twitter taking advantage of our coin


fuck reddit

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Agree. Todays dump was the worst post announcement sell the news dump I have ever fucking seen. These whales are far too cocky. We need new money.

I don't like normies/redditors. But fuck I am considering making a twitter and a reddit account to start shilling to these fucks. I do not want to be shit on by whales come the AWS and MS Azure announcement like we did today.

We only get a Google announcement once. And it was wasted with a 90 cent pump. We only get an Oracle announcement once, and it was wasted with a 40 cent pump then a dump to lower than it was before the buy in.

Are we gonna waste the only time we will ever get a Microsoft announcement too. How many more announcements must be wasted before there are none left and we are still only like $3. Only moving the floor up 20 cents or so each turbo bullish announcement. HOW FUCKING LONG.

Fuck off you influencer fuck. People like this are literally influences from whale groups trying to infiltrate us. KYS.

Nice try whale. I will shill the shit out of it. You will get called, I will post screenshots with fudders reply on 4chin admiting to fud reddit to be "ze cool", we had enough. Shill frens, shill, whatever you do, just shill, we are for money here. And we aren't doing anything to help achieve our goals.

Bump, this thread is important. Someone make a Reddit post

Goddamn it you fucking idiots

"Racist incel forum destroys promising crypto startup" will be the headline. Well done retards you fucked it all up. Just couldn't keep your damn mouths shut. It's all over. Cat is out of the bag. Advisers and team members leaving, major partners dropping out. You ruined it. ETH never had such a toxic community. Dumped every LINK and all in on ETH. This middleware shitcoin will never pull a 1000x. Fucking losers.

People are genuinely put off by the racist nonsense associated with chainlinkers. Maybe start behaving like normal decent human beings and things might change you cringe lords.

my uncles got a bad leg, he cant work, basically eats top ramen every day. shilled him on link he was sold so fast. spent what he had saved for meds and got his buy order fill at $2.45. Just glad ill have someone to trust when we both make it

Except that it's the only project that REAL companies are using. It's faggot whales keeping the price down. If you don't believe me, just look at the book during the next pump. Clear faggotry. The whales should be drawn and quartered.


larp cope 0.00 end of minute

Need new money before derivatives, insurance and shipping are implemented. Getting to $10 or $100 won’t hurt the $1k timeline one bit. Stop hurting yourselves

And thank me later

Fuck off, retard.

if todays dump wasnt proof of you retards taking fud to the next level I don't know what is. i'm doing the same as other anons I'm posting screens of you retards admitting to fudding shit to keep people out. the funny thing is I have a feeling it's already too late and we're gonna be known all across Jow Forums and crypto for being the biggest idiots out there and bringing ourselves down. we're going to be the laughing stock

You would think that a DECENTRALIZED oracle solution would benefit from mass adoption. I don't give a shit about swinglinkers, but I'm genuinly worried that whales are killing link. Sick of fudding, I'm going to shill

That's why we need to shill, whales need to get outplayed by market, Smart Contracts company needs to get visible. Laugh at Twitter fags all you want but they shilled to a couple of companies so far and guess what happened. Those companies are already implementing chainlink or got in contact afterwards with Sergey and Co.


this was supposed to be /ourcoin/

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Not fucking selling. Shilll mode activated.

this is believable

THis. I remember back in 2017 we were talking about shilling this to everyone to make sure the network is as decentralized as it can possibly be. Now Link is flirting with becoming almost centralized in a way because so few people have bought it, and so much of the circulating supply is locked up in whale wallets. We need Link to become way more distributed than it is.

And it was, we got in under $1. What we failed to do was transition to getting new money to pump our bags once we were over a dollar. Who the fuck wants to accumulate at 2 fucking dollars after buying at 20 cents for the last 2 years. Not me.

Shut up you impatient cuck. Stacking and network usage is the only think that matters. We don't need redditors, they can buy at $1000 or never

Fud was fun but,yeah, time for shill to commence.


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Fuck off whale group influencer.

And thank me later

Sergey is Satoshi, nigger. Stop worrying and accumulate. We will make the dirty work for your faggot

Fuck off, just fuck off, we need people, we need buyers, 2 years, and developers barely heard about it. 2 FUCKINNG YEARS. We need eyes on the project, from what I see you just want to dump us, clearly more buyers will make it harder for you to time the market. But we dont need to time the market, linkmarines, because we hold. We dont need to fud, because we have the best interest of our project. That's how I know you are a whale, but a stupid one nevertheless. And whales interest doesn't coincidence with linkmarines interest sadly for you. Even if try to change the optics, there are people that are starting to wake up.


>He thinks there are no eyes on this project

Link will moon off of actual usage, which is confirmed to be on the way. A thread died for this, unironically go build something.

my uncle doesnt have a nice car and lives in a decent apartment but he had a giant nest egg. when i told him about link his eyes lit up instantly . he sold my dead aunts wedding ring but we both know you cant sell memories. he went all in around $1.75, its good to know we'll have enough to buy another ring when link moons,

listen here newfag, gtfo my board


> DECENTRALIZED oracle solution
> The more node operators the better
> "Hurr durr no normans, Wall Street hedgefunds will surely buy my bags and establish tons of nodes"

More windows the better, I know 4chin is a whale heaven, you are many, but we are more, I know you guys have multiple reddit accounts to down vote, VPN to have multiple ids here but take note. We will shill it. Linkies are bored to be dumped by manlets like you, we have fundamentals and you choose the right coin to be a whale for but what are fundamentals without people to take note of the project. Even Sammy from reddit can make a difference, I dont give a fuck who gets rich if that would be means to my end. Our goal is to make money. You end goal is to dump on us and make money, so you see, our objectives are different. So we will fight with people like you, we will win, and pic related will be you.

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You are starting to loose the grip, people will wake up. You pushed this to far on us. You will not kill link with your greed. We will make sure of it.

They're all in a row anons. Time for liftoff. Spread the word.

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Fuck you and your gatekeeping bullshit. Money is money, whether the source is JP Morgan or Plebbitors. Whales can choke on a dick.

2K chainlink will be worth 1.2 million dollars in 2022

Fuck whales, we have to fight them

You still don't get it. I really doubt you have been here for two years. Repeat after me: we need no one.

What kind of fud is this?

So I kind of want the FUD to stop only because it’s gotten less creative, but one of the things myself and others realized in 2017 was LINK doesn’t need plebbitors or even some twitterfags to increase in value. LINK will moon REDGARDLESS of those faggots coming on board because the technology enables a giant leap in cost cutting automation so even if everyone associated it with 4chin Nazis it wouldn’t matter because those using the chainlink network can cut costs by up to 90%+ in some industries thus undercutting any potential competitor by a lot. Companies are going to be FORCED to use chainlink or go out of business. Can you not be patient to wait 12 months as the network stands up while denying those uneducated zogbots over at reddit /ourcoin/? To shill now seems very un-marinelike.

tl;dr we need to turn up the FUD and let’s make it more creative ok? Let’s get this shit under $1 again.

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Fuck swingies.

>bitcoin is surging. I think we should sell all of our chainlink for bitcoin to catch that wave. It’s going under $1 anyways while bitcoin is going to $1 million.

> "Myself and others realized"

Gee wizz, you must be really smart. The riddle me this: if the technology hinges on decentralized nodes, how the fuck will we get adoption and usage if all tokens are tied up in whale wallets that have fudded link to oblivion?

We know, but you see, even after every breadcrumb will be made a bread we will struggle to maintain support at critical levels because there are many whales that can dump easily. This needs to be changed. We already limited our upward potential with all the fud we have done. We have Google and Oracle in the house and we moved an inch. What this tells you? The gains that we can see from 2 dollar upwards in a bull market are different from 10 dollars upwards.
Fud will kill the project even if the fundamentals are diamante.

Whale here.

I’ve decided to stop the FUD. It was fun while LINK was sub $2, but now I’m just going to let reddit and Twitter pump my bags.

Best of luck

No FUD can stop Link. If you think otherwise you better sell. FUD is what keep normans from making it. We need Nazi NEETs rich as fuck to save the west. The rest can go fuck themselves

>mfw when I FUD the fuck out of the announcement to bait the whales without holding any LINK

KYS dumb moonboys. You aren't linkmarines, just greedy failed normies. I hope you stay poor

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>No FUD can stop Link.
Stop it, no.
But limit its growth, absolutely.

In case you didn't notice, Jow Forums has seen an influx of normans since the latter part of the crypto uptrend, and they are in no way equipped and hardened against the disinformation like us oldfags are.

Link is over $2, this is when we want new money to come in.

>pssst no one tell this faggot that Sergey has 350mm in reserve tokens to give to companies to enable TRUE decentralization of node operators, WHICH ARE THE COMPANIES SUPPLYING THE FUCKING API DATA TO CONTRACTS.
When the chainlink network is healthy with thousands of nodes, most normies won’t even know it exists. How many can explain blockchain? Best not to convince the idiots of society how to get rich mmmk

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I do not care this is my best shot at being rich so I got my 10K stack and im not selling until it's worth enough for me to retire. I'll hold to 0 if I have to. Then I'll buy it all up anyway even if it dies just for the memes alone

>Link is MY speshul thing

Based and linkpilled

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You want to make link into tron you disgusting swingy/nulinker. KYS today

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I don't give two fucks about normans. They are stupid and they will always take the worst possible decision after some red candles. We don't need that kind among us. We will go to $1000 from $2 or from $10. The only difference is how much Link can us and smart people that can see through the FUD accumulate before singularity. You are fucking everything up

Tron-like gains are peanuts against Link's potential.

>I don't give two fucks about normans.
You should give two fucks about their money. They're the singularity.
Not the (large) corporations, they're getting Link from Sergey directly.

Then shill to DEVELOPERS, not normans.

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Wrong. Stacking and network usage is the singularity. Norman's money is a meme

whales moved millions of LINKs from their private wallet to exchanges in this pump to dump on new bagholders.

Chainlink had no KYC so it's not going on Binance US. No amount of fud can undo that truth.

>Stacking and network usage is the singularity.
And most of the Link that will be used for that is going to come directly from Sergey.

The binance FUD is useless as people can just buy on IDEX. Technical FUD is better because it’s harder for people to understand.

Link is not based in the US so the SEC can't touch them, and holding/trading Link can never be made illegal for US citizens any more than holding/trading foreign currencies. Only exchanges/brokers can have such restrictions imposed on them.
Stop trying so hard.

That is correct.

IDEX 24 hour volume: $79,109
Binance 24 hour volume: $161,248,443

Selling might be issue for whales.
They are dumping now at ATH before liquidity crush in Sept.

Guys, this wasn't even a big dump. Zoom out to the weekly candles and you'll see it's just a ripple in an ocean of chainlink.

If these news were bearish on the fundamentals, it would've dropped way worse.

Hive mind will decide again what is best. That is my view. And I will shill, i watched link go to 17 cents and dca'd with you fags in 2018. It didn't hurt it was so low, it hurts now that after the confirmation we got that our breadcrumbs are true we might have destroyed this project with our fud. We might have limited the upwards, we killed the speculation, and we danced on whales song, getting dumped by them, played by them and be sure that they dont give a fuck about the wellbeing of the project. Call me whatever you want, newfag, retard, moonboi, that doesn't change the fact that some people on this board have different reasons to suppress the price and it's being disguised under other motifs. But I believe that a link marine shills, because is in our interest to be as decentralized as possible, with many node operators, developers, companies in order to get an healthy product.

BTC, BAT, ETH, XMR? All things i can currently use.

Guys I'm kinda disenchanted
We predicted fortune 100 companys working with us
Now 2 Google and oracle did embrace us but we are still nowhere the price we predicted

KIN was based in Canada
Didn't stop feds going after them

Top kek


They actively sold in the US.
Chainlink actively banned US citizens from buying the ICO.

Really makes you think.

2 years.

Yes fuck fuding, we need to start shilling now, Google and oracle are our cues I don't give a shit anymore


I'll spend another thousand boomer bucks on this shit even if it dies in the ass

Fuck all the normies. marines started from scratch and will die hodling the line

I'm not ever fucking selling not at 10 not at 20 not at 500. You'll have to hit 1000 before I ever give you a single link

In summary:
Fuck reddit
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck swingers
And oh big congratulations to the no linkers who know this project is a nazi scam json parser and never bought any even at 22c

Jews trying to take your shekels. As old as the world. /thread

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based and LINKpilled


Normans are finding out about Chainlink through the massive corporations they know and love.
Fudding on Jow Forums is asymmetrical warfare against who we were before we found our way to Jow Forums

with a checkbox saying "I am not a US citizen"
Doesn't work like that.

Binance will not list something that will make them prime SEC target, esp as there are hundreds of shitcoins with proper KYC.

>with a checkbox saying "I am not a US citizen"
>Doesn't work like that.

Except it works exactly like that.

And thank me later

Whales are in full damage control. Get the harpoons boys

Paragon, AirToken, KIN did the exact same thing and they got owned by SEC.

>yfw it's brainlet Jow Forumsshits who want fascism that are the ones trying to FUd reddit out
>this is why they hate reddit so fucking much, because reddit aren't internnet nazi's

Jesus fucking christ. Letting you Jow Forumscucks in was a mistake. I've been in pre SIBOS and I am certainly not spending a fucking cent on "saving the west". Fuck you, and fuck your political goals. And fuck you for delaying and potentially killing the dreams of thousands of Jow Forumsfags because you didn't want your political culture war enemies to get some money.

Fuck you, fuck the culture war. SJW and alt right are both shit. KYS. Politics is for low IQ losers.

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No they fucking didn't you absolute liar.

>"we welcome the opportunity to fight for the future of crypto in the United States"
t. founder and ceo of KIN

They actively sold in the US.

A true marine.

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