Does he deserve to be spoonfed?
Sam Hyde FUDs chain.LINK
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Just take out another loan, Sam.
holy shit you guys must have pissed him off to do that rant
He bought LINK because Weev told him to.
Sam Hyde is a self admitted retard who uses irony to cope with his low IQ. I could not care any less what he thinks or does.
seething discord tranny detected
>Ragesh Sindvahaar, Lead Programmer
>Curry, but sir, what about the initial investors, they will lose all their money! hummus.
You wish, Sam.
this is bullish
My linkies :(
He’s listing like every FUD copypasta in his questions lol. Sam probably got in at ICO.
And thank me later
Fucking based as fuck Sam. He raised several concerns that linkies simply cannot refute.
yes, this is sam shilling chainlink but pretending he doesnt know anything
The literal fucking delusion.
>same fud debunked every day here
kys sam, maybe if you learned to keep your mouth shut on twitter you'd still have world peace
hes just asking questions no need to seethe bro
read like copypasta imo. very well played Mr. Cigar
>t. Charls
except no one ever debunks it. everyone just tells people to shut up and says its been debunked
low iq but will try to answer to the best of my abilities
>1.) Does this shit work without trusted third parties
No, but that's kind of the point of having oracles. You can't have oracles without trusting the data the third party is providing to the smart contract.
>2.) What is stopping Goog/ORCL/IBM from forking off a private version after investors have paid for development
Won't be decentralized if a few companies own it, so you lose all the benefits of decentralization (immutable, censorship resistant, etc). Why use blockchain at all at that point?
>3.) Is there any reason why a utility token for logistics/contract software would have value aside from speculation
ChainLink secures the validity of the data provided to a smart contract. A smart contract that executes a $1B contract doesn’t necessarily need $1B in LINK to secure the data call. The bigger contracts will require more security/more LINK, but it’s important to differentiate what it is actually being used as collateral for.
Because the nodes are on the secure, trusted, decentralized ChainLink network, the only way to incentivize them to perform and keep those characteristics is by using the ChainLink token.
>4.) Is there a point where the token value becomes so high that it is essentially unusable for it's intended purpose
No, if you need $100 in security, it will still only be $100 in link, regardless of high price 1 link is.
>5.)Quality of partnerships?
High quality at every level, this is the future
He's asking noob questions to be spoon fed and raising regular concerns, basically network effect and staking collateral are the answers
Fuck sam. He is poo pee
Sam is wise.
>Won't be decentralized if a few companies own it, so you lose all the benefits of decentralization (immutable, censorship resistant, etc).
Niggers like you is why entire /biz and, like High IQ Sam described you, cum assblasted computer addicted neets, need to be annihilated from life.
We are marching towards a world where Company LLC will provide all services to people "in the grid" and use DARPA level killbot brigades to execute "trespassers" outside the grid...
Yet you think muh Chainlink #1 selling point and usp is MUH DECENTRALIZATION AND CENSORSHIP RESISTANCE.
Hjahhahahah this is why you nigger neets with $1062 in Crypto need to be executed. This is why I pray for internet being privatized by Alphabet and forcing governments to use triple KYC verification before being let in.
You fucking retarded pig.
>1 post by this ID
you’re real boring man
Another one.
*waaaah* boring my dude
Bitcoin is pumping and level 2 niggers and pajeets are just shuffling their profits from BTC to alts, it's 2017 all over again.
This time there's no ICO's for level 5 niggers to waste their money and get dumped by level 2 niggers that got in on the "presale" it's just alts being jiggled. And Chainlink is among few alts that made some minor "name" for itself.
And here you are, thinking you're making it, when the entire crypto space is getting billions in marketcap added per day and few of those speculative bucks move out from BTC to alts, namely Chainlink, since it has big enough userbase to dump bags on.
Hope your nigger ass gets broke soon, put that on the oracle and smoke it.
Chainlink never stops!
yes lol, it's currently pegged at 0.1 link per call, if it goes to 1000 eoy it's $100 to call a chainlink, useless
there's nobody but literally whos using chainlink