We are going to be so fucking rich

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how do you know?

This photo is proof that price was being driven down today by large sellers. Whales purposefully manipulating the price? Maybe. Swing linkers? Only if they have been in for a while.

Why the fuck is this bullish to you user? We're getting raped by the whales

are you new?

Whales dumped as hard as they could and couldn't even take us below 2$

5$ is coming soon. The age of the whale is over.

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When BTC pumps even your StainStink shitcoin will slowly rake up in dollar value.

When Sergay dumps his 650 million Stinks down you'r throat it's going to $0.10

Watching these numbers and correlating them to the top link holders. wallets that haven’t been touched since ICO have been moving to exchanges and dumping since $0.75. Weak hands are selling their miniature whale stacks, which means more to come as the price moves higher. The distribution of LINK is spreading in smaller quantities while increasing in value. We’re basically chewing through a gigantic sell wall hidden outside of the exchanges. This is extremely bullish.

Eventually the whales will run out of LINK. You have to understand that whales can’t always out swim the tide not a school of sharks. Even the largest whale will meet his doom at some point.

when do you think we'll hit $5?

Suck my dick whale, not fucking selling

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God I hope you're right bros

When all of us sharks holding/buying link out swim the whales. The whales have been dropping by the day, millions of LINK are being heavily distributed to new hands at higher prices, I’m not sure how else to articulate this.

The single most important course of action if you have no money to buy more LINK is to fucking hold your LINK tight and do not give it back to the whales. I repeat DO NOT FEED THE FUCKING WHALES A SINGLE GOD DAMN FUCKING LINK.



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Absolutely checked


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And thank me later



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Fuck off wanna be scammer. These attempts are just embarrassing for you.

Fucking checked, marine.

>heavy distribution
>w-whales are running out guys, keep buying, price will skyrocket if we can just buy through the sell wall

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based OP making it clear even to idiots like me

Posts like this are like reading shit smeared on the wall

Hm still "the writing on the wall" I guess.

If you're a pajeet I suppose it would be hard to tell the difference.
Fuck off back to the gutters, Rajesh.

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excuse me sir wtf are you doing