I'm feeling generous so I'll tell you guys how to make it

I'm feeling generous so I'll tell you guys how to make it.
1 purchase bitcoin, eth and chainlink
2 hodl bitcoin, eth and chainlink.
3 live within your means and continue to accumulate and hodl.
4 start again at step 1

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baste fucking meme bro

why is 130 handshaking the

Attached: agree.jpg (788x669, 63K)

because fuck you nigger

Dam he look good in those shades

Anybody who doesn't understand this meme intuitively doesn't belong here.

The people who this meme is for understand it immediately.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

People with 130+ and



>t. 120 iq

Can I make it?

4300 LINK

pleasure doing business with you

this is the funniest post i've ever read on Jow Forums

Also this one hold more true than the one in the Op. High school dropouts tend to be hustlers drowning in pussy and with an active social life. PhD graduates get a 6 figure job as soon as they graduate. The BA is able to get a comfy desk job eventually. And the MS ends up driving for Uber or working at a hipster bar/coffee shop.

120 reporting here, thats correct.

am I 130+ if I purchased 100 BTC in 2012?

and hodl +

and try to explain to eveyone BTC???

Imagine not buying the real Bitcoin below $250 dollars and instead worshiping a scamming Russian fatass and his shitcoin LMFAO

stay poor fags

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idk if that's true, i'm 127 and i am retired from crypto

I tried to invest all my savings (1000 dollars) in bitcoin when I was 12 (in 2012) but my mom wouldn't let me use her credit card

What a bitch

Don't say that word ever again unless you want to get run out of town. Tolerant fellows don't take too kind to intolerance. Asses will get kicked and it ain't gonna be ours dipshit