$1,000 Airdrop (KYC needed)

Anons pic related (NRG) is airdropping 900 dollars worth of coins to American and Canadian citizens
4,750 spots left
I cannot post my link so I’ll post this video:

Attached: 49EF4380-47F6-4E33-A435-138B6FA6F2E8.jpg (700x960, 91K)

Thanks OP

When is the airdrop? When is pump going to end?

This coin has mooned so violently...
Didn’t know there is an Airdrop many thanks OP

I was hesitant for days to participate in the airdrop but fuck it it’s $1k I’m signing up

After 4K positions are being filled by USA citizens

They ain't gonna airdrop this shit for months lol

based pajeet scammers

Not really... go ask on telegram
They are very on spot with delivery

Give me a good reason you don’t want a free $1k

because i dont like getting scammed by dirty stinky smelly pajeets who want to steal my identity

>give me a good reason you dont want to poo in loo


fuck pajeets
fuck pajeets
fuck pajeets
fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets
that is all

You are pathetic
Stay poor

>give us random people your name and id and everything about you


I don't even have a wallet, should I even do it?

Lmao give them your info and you will have Indians calling you at 6am on weekday mornings trying to scam you

Give me somewhere to short this coin

What’s wrong with you biz? Literally the most legit airdrop out there
Let me remind you Ontology had KYC as well when they airdropped

keep changing your ip pajeet noone is falling for the scam

i had fun spamming that bitcoin generator scam you dropped before

fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets

Lol what’s your problem hahahs

clicked the link now my balance on Binance is 0 WTF

Makes sense

Wow OP scammed my MEW account. My LINK is gone

energi and Fire is all you need to make it. for those of you that missed the fire airdrop thread and want to get into it now, it's easy as fuck to get your airdrop. just join the discord and share your eth address in the airdrops channel. that's literally all you have to do. 10% deflationary token.
discord gg / SNCh3Pb

i was pretty hesitant to sign up for this airdrop because of all the kyc shit, but fuck. I couldnt give up on a potential of $600+

Attached: 71C13D84-F99C-4E9B-8C8E-9A2C98870D85.jpg (640x640, 39K)

OP informed me about the biggest airdrop of 2019
Let me shit on him

kill yourself pajeet

fucking ugly ass pajeet your gonna die

fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeetsfuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeetsfuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets fuck pajeets

no ammount of ip changes can save you from my shitposting

i hope you know im tracking down and reporting every single link you post to your bitcoin generator scam

i hate you stinky poos so much

poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo poo in loo

getting paid to doxx yourself, no thanks.

by the time they can cash out 100 nrg= 5 bucks

you mean not getting paid to give them your ID and a picture of yourself so they can report your exchange accounts stolen and use kyc to verify themselves as the owners with the pictures they have of your face and ID

>implying you keep your coins on an exchange and not a personal wallet

>implying most people dont have cards or bank accounts etc tied to exchanges
>implying swing traders etc dont keep large ammount of crypto on exchanges so they can actually trade

are you just pretending to be retarded pajeet? or has the poo finally seeped into your brain

Too much curry in this threat
Claim the airdrop if you want
Or just skip it

fuck off jeet
take your scams to leddit

Why the fuck would I care about 900 dollars worth of coin shared between 5000 people? That's less than 1/5 of a fucking dollar each.

Honestly are you retarded?

It’s 900 to 1k each....

honestly do you poo in loo
fuck off jeet stop trying to steal peoples identities

lol like 10 seconds into the video and I closed it. fucking pajeets neet to seriously be range banned. don't give a fuck if its racist. fucking scammers.

I don’t really care about giving out a photo of my ID for 1k dollars lol
I signed

The new deflationary coin SHIT is finally here. All you honestly need to make it is Energi and SHIT. Stupendously High Income Taxes Token. Did all you pajeets miss your chance at VOID, BOMB, FIRE, NUKE, and MOAB? Well, no need to worry. SHIT is having an airdrop and it's easy as fuck to finish the task for it. Just join the Discord and go to the twitter-airdrop channel. Finish the piss easy task and post your ETH address in the channel. 12.5% burn.
discord gg / E8k3GTc

i hates the kyc for this energi shit. just hope they don’t drop like 5 months from now or some shit

Attached: 9FFE93E5-FF63-4208-A4BC-8C33FEA5FCB8.jpg (400x183, 29K)