Fucking piece of shit

fucking piece of shit

Attached: logo.png (600x600, 19K)

Why else do you think it's called a pos coin?

Lost so much on this, so glad I got out at 0.16 and before the big pump though, thought I was finally gkna make it, sorry bros who went all in :(

Mainnet releases in like 4 days. It cant possibly test ATLs right?

this coin is going to get nuked after people realize that this isnt even the full mainnet. Its a "throttled" mainnet

Compare the Mcap and the volume. There is no way this will stay below 100M
Impossible. It will happen sooner rather than later. It has happenes COUNTLESS times, this wont be any different

what does this coin or blockchain or whatever do lol


it currently did 118k tps in testnet...possibly can max out at 10mil tps...this is the lamborghini of networks AND it is under $45mil marketcap. There's a lot of fud for a reason...as someone else said, stuff like this NEVER stays below $100mil. it is eth2.0 before eth2.0 comes out.

do people really care about this?...as far as i'm concerned, they just have to demonstrate it works and show it's capacity. the full mainnet releases shortly after anyway.

I'm desperate to buy more at these prices if only BTC would pause its run