Soooooooo, when will the bubble poop?

soooooooo, when will the bubble poop?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-26 um 04.21.10.png (1652x858, 188K)

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Fuck you, reddit.
Kill all niggers and non-whites.

why the fuck is every board getting flooded with reddit faggots

Jow Forums fell to election niggers
Jow Forums is getting invaded by communists and faggots from gun subreddits
Jow Forums is falling now too
even Jow Forums has been seeing some normie posts

>browse reddit
>post reddit threads on Jow Forums
>thinks he belongs here

>racist kids

We were already got. It's been like this.

Time for a change in strategy

We have to troll and shitpost more, every normie who visits this board will leave in 5 seconds.

he is a dumb german fagott. he thinks reddit is the shit and feels superior to all people on biz. he wants to use the racist kids here to make mad gains.

Fuck Reddit fags buy bsv

Attached: E0BD3237-5D6C-447E-B3BE-5EADCD1950F0.png (1136x682, 2.22M)

its getting worse though user

literally go on Jow Forums, shit tons of threads talking about "i know the nazis are bad and i hate their ideology but the guns were okay"

pussy footing around shit like a typical reddit fag

praising communism out of nowhere when in the past Jow Forums only tolerated east Germany and that was just for aesthetics and Prussian tradition

i hate reddit so fucking much why do they have to ruin everything



We actually need to spam this board for the next couple of weeks with Chinese scam coins and the normal link stuff, if you care for the long term quality of this board pitch in when you can

the way that chainlink has been marketed on this board is exactly the way the russian troll farms operate; chainlink was a legitimate project but a longshot, just like donald trump's candidacy; the same way the campaign took off with help from online propoganda, it had actual supporters but they were bolstered by an online marketing scheme that manipulated the entire social network space to think and act a certain way.

I think Jow Forums is the perfect place to pull off these shenanigans, even more so than facebook or twitter due to anonymity, and it's a win win for russians that want to spell discord in american society if they can get the type of people that generally post here rich, while also getting themselves rich in the process too ofc


At least the communists are open enemies. I'm so fucking sick of Jow Forums's "le we're gonna rise up if the gubmint tries to take er guns, and stop dose evil nahtzees taken away er freedumbs!"

Gag me.

case in point; this asshole probably is making all kinds of money on link and ideally he'll buy guns and crack and help contribute to american society tearing itself apart. gj guys


America collapsing is the only way the world can be saved.
There is no bigger exporter of faggotry and niggers than America.

hell yah borther
first purchase when i make it is a genuine stg 44 and a genuine luger
just like grandpa had in the war

being aware that you are a pawn in a psychological warfare and being happy to carry out the will of your archon puppetmasters to slowly poison your own home and push you to kill yourself and the members of your own community must rule

American won't collapse as much as just absorb every other culture into it's fat pimply ass and become what all of future society is like; america is babylon is egypt is rome; the fire keeps burning

>members of your own community
>niggers spics and liberal faggots
were not gonna be waring against our own
based russia is gonna supply the boogaloo with nice ass weapons when the time comes

i for one love big daddy putin

>nice-ass weapons
We'll be extremely lucky if they give us Vodnik AAs.
And even their """modernized"""" AK-74s don't have fucking bolt-release controls.

>racist kids

Redditors are so fucking chickenshit

>implying they wont arm us to the teeth
even if they give us old shit i guarantee itll be in decent conditon
im just holding out for an ak-107

No cause you posted the scary windmill

only /f/ is still close to old Jow Forums
though i hear lately some loli flashes have been getting deleted

Attached: frog brown.jpg (396x385, 28K)

>Reddit spacing
Kick rocks dickhead

i find alot of people have never heard of the flash section
>and i dont mean /f/
check it out for the mean nostalgia boost

i never visit /flash/ because it hurts me to be reminded about how early moot stopped caring about /f/

Attached: animationfail7.gif (420x236, 152K)

this is exactly the type of retardation I expect from reddit

>Flash - Complaining (2013 Edition) - Jow Forums
oh shit it actually got an update in 2013?

Attached: aroundandaround.gif (320x240, 1.61M)

Nazis are bad you fucking edgelord

kill yourself and then go back to your containment website

Hey leftypol

I'm already here you dumb faggot.

you need to go back

I'm a racist, kissless, hugless, handless, virgin, ADULT thank you very fucking much you Reddit niggers

I can't go back to here you retard

desu I hate nazis. But many Redditors are just as bad, if not worse. Pure parasites wanting to have socialist policies enable their degeneracy, when they would be put into labour camps in any truly socialist system. And especially here you can again see this behaviour in action. It does inherently piss me off.

>racist kids
reddit confirmed lefty faggot boomers

You faggots niggers don't realize that in order to drive them a way, we need a CRASH, a fucking massive crash. During gay bullruns like this, they always leak here

This is the only way

You "socially liberal, but economically conservative" fencesitter motherfuckers are the most evil of all.

>racist kids
i prefer "not brainwashed by MSM and PC culture"

thats not fencestting
two different things

The only solution to scare away newfags are posting brappers, nudes and gore.

>Not fencesittinf
>implying economics and social life aren't inextricably linked

kill yourself
kill yourself

Yeah it is fencesitting because you want to dip your toes into both being-an-evil-cunt pools.

>Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-26 um 04.21.10.png

anyone that ends capitalizes their sentence and ends with proper punctation deserves to be hanged and i sincerely hope your children will die at their own birth as u hold them in your hands

Attached: xdc.jpg (523x697, 60K)

Get mad