Volume is now officially bigger than the mcap. Exciting times!

Volume is now officially bigger than the mcap. Exciting times!

Attached: 20190622_085754.jpg (1481x1203, 248K)

$35 by eoy? How high is this going to go. Realistic predictions!

EOY? 10$

this will be fucking INSANE


What is washtrading

98% of the volume is fake hotbutt volume

the bear flag on vid-t right now is bigger than my penis

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 7.00.15 pm.png (508x440, 36K)


must be tiny

bitcoin will retrace and vidt will moon

>applying TA for a coin on idex with pending burn and exchange listing

stay poor

Grow strong Vid I can't wagie much longer please help

Attached: fago.gif (498x498, 386K)

VIDT grows ever stronger on its way to $35.

its gonna dump to shit within the next 24 hours

better hurry up on that binance listing

Go back to plebbit and buy some chink scam, bud. Chads only here, you absolute brainlet.

hahahahahhahahahahaahhha imagine seeing an arc like this forming on the end of a outrageous bear flag and not selling immediately

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-26 at 7.11.39 pm.png (750x586, 65K)

Muh bearflag

Buy now pussy it's not too late to save from killing yourself

Let them say what they want. Even if we dip 30k, it’ll get bought up (by people like me) and we will be back on our way as soon as BTC settles. It’s a 10 mil MC with a actual usecase. Even in a shit altcoin market it’s at least a 10x increase. Fuck em

This is not your average Chinese ponzi PnD. This is glorious Aryan technology.

$35 eoy!

I want slow steady growth, hopefully $1 before an exchange listing then the exchange hype.. sell the top and back in to $10+ and beyond


nooo im not done accumulating

mostly fake volume on hotbit but besides that youre right, this raises more and more attention


that's not even a bear flag idiot