I have accounts with 2 spanish banks and I received a message from one of then to explain why I sending money to Coinbase.

The account manager said that If I use the money to buy crypto they cannot authorize it and they will report to my tax agency (like IRS).
I'm not doing anything illegal, it's money I've earned working, with taxes already paid and now I want to invest it in crypto.

What is happening in the world?

Attached: 1561185092473.png (381x333, 54K)

Go to a different bank

Another Jewish conspiracy.

Just do as this user.
Go to your bank in person, and threaten them to pull your entire fund out of the bank.
If they didn’t comply just do it

banks are scared of losing power. open several new bank accounts at different banks until you find one that won't be a fucking asshole. then close your current account

you can use coinbase as a bank btw. your deposited euros will be in a euro bank account on coinbase

Didn't paypal just hookup with coinbase?

I have told my account manager, he has told me that this restriction is not exclusive to his bank. That is a regulation of the central bank of my country.

Buy with locslbitcoins or credit card.

I have told this to my account manager*

then use coinbase as a bank. ;)

i bet negative interest rates are coming your way soon

Pull out the money and buy on local btc.


Stop using a traditional bank. Just get a crypto debit card. Banks are basically useless now since they don't even give you positive intrest rates.

Im using my other bank account without problems sending money to Kraken.

I worry that this becomes commonplace. Maybe the European Union wants to restrict access to crypto?

just ask him to cite the memorandum order or something
info like this normally needs to be disseminated formally

He’s lying.

the jew fears decentralized money

Im not lying, there are more customers in this situation

Which bank? Spanish here


BBVA and Santander seem to work. I think BBVA invested heavily on Coinbase as well.

Right, I do not have problems with my another account un BBVA.

Bank account > Paypal > Coinbase

In swedistan i just had to enable sepa bank transfers with my bank and provide reason (investments) and where I would send my money. A few days later I had 40 eth on my coinbase account @ 170usd/eth :)

Why don't you guys use Bitstamp instead of this M*rrican p*ece of crap?

dont buy it through coinbase. just use localbitcoins or something.

Use lacaixa, no probs at all and they don't snitch your gains to the gov

Lacaixa + kraken ftw




You guys are fucking cucks
Coinbase is known for freezing accounts


OpenBank client reporting in. I've never had problems transfering money into Kraken. I always sent quantities around ~800€


I'd close my account with them, they're just trouble waiting to happen. They probably have already reported you to the IRS so be sure to keep your money off exchanges.