Anyone who thinks LINK needs to be shilled to normies is an absolute retard

Anyone who thinks LINK needs to be shilled to normies is an absolute retard

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If you weren't at the Newyork Chainlink Marine meet up your not going to make it.

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Anyone who think Link needs to be FUDed to keep out normies/reddit is a whale group influencer.

No shilling. No fudding. Organic 4th Industrial Revolution gains.

You shouldn't just fud or just shill.

True marines do what feels right.

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shit, i don't want to help faggot whale groups, maybe we do need to shift gears

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I'm just gonna leave this here

Why not shill to normies?
The price is high enough.

That's why I never stop fudding and NEVER GOING TO SELL

Glad you understand. Jow Forums needs to wake up to the fact that as if this second a 10k minimum to make it Linklet tier stack now costs fucking $21,800 USD. No one on reddit, twitter or wherever else is going to be putting that kinda money into it. They will be getting pathetic stacks and boasting of their 150 Link portfolio. The bigger once might get a 1k suicide stack and that's all. We've succeeded in keeping reddit out of the stealth phase. It's awareness phase now, just let it grow organically, quit FUDing because at this point it just hurts us more than Reddit.

Seriously, why not shill to normies?
Because you think the moon is going to come solely from network usage (staking, etc.) instead of normie speculation?

Why not both?

Whales want you to fud so they can continue to pnd chainlink forever

Oh noe we cant help 4chin whales!

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Kill all traitorwhales and fudcucks

It’s literally that easy



Why the fuck do you hate reddit so much user? It's not healthy. You realize it's just a stupid site rivalry right. None of us actually care about reddit in real life. The Jow Forums vs Reddit thing is just a dumb meme. Now I don't browse there because why browse 2 websites but you almost sound like a former reddit user who is buttblasted by mods over there or something.


comfy as fuck


What makes you think you are not a normie? Just because you browse Jow Forums and got lucky buying link? You didn't create link nor are on the chainlink team. 100k link holder and sick of idiots like you holding back the price because they think they are so special. I don't want to wait until I'm 30 and balding for link to moon.

Bad jew?

You don’t understand the project if you think it needs normie adoption to go parabolic. I also guarantee you do not hold 100k Link.

Fudsters are either whales who want to surpress prices for the next 5 years to accumulate, or turboautists who genuinly hate reddit. Im sick of fudding, not gonna shill either but the downvoting and brigading is retarded at this price level


140k link, obviously ever since reddit has seen link destroy everything, they heard about biz and now voila bunch of nulinkers impatiently want to shill. We were fudding through sibos and held, we fudded hard and it's still the best performer. Fuck you faggot shill, onions cucks.

Yes because the SIBOS presenting in the main stall and toilet flush FUD memes were comparable to the FUD today. They were jokes. The only real FUD back then was 2 man team and we knew it was bullshit FUD because the 32MM was to solve that problem.

I second this, and you are based. Oracle, Google and Amazon are shilling this to business for us. We DON'T need normies aboard, fuck shills

Yeah, it's simply fundamental
>follow the white rabbit
Pic related

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Until a little over a month ago, I had never been on Jow Forums. LINK caught my attention because the price kept going up but there was virtually no discussion of it on Reddit, Twitter, Coindesk, etc.
After going through the Jow Forums archives, blog posts on other sites, etc., I ended up acquiring a 10k stack. There are likely many others (though they are definitely in the minority) who are not on Jow Forums who also have the financial means to acquire a 5-10k stack at these prices. led me to /biz

>3) A supportive community reminiscent of Dogecoin which meme non-stop

Kek, even the partners meme with us.

true, it doesn't need to be shilled but either no need to FUD this on every portal beside Jow Forums you fucking tranny with inferiority complex

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UND is like the LINK of normies.

That's so fucking bullish

I got 168k stinkies, I want to join the whale group, contact me on [email protected]

Enjoy the weather, fren. You have made it.

Hit it till it bleeds, continue till it dies, then hit it some more and then put your dick in it

You have to go back

>2 years
The age of shilling is now upon us, join us or fucking leave

Amen OP

Based and redpilled

I dont want reddit shits to have 150k-1mil USD. Redditors LE HODL xD like retards and dont sell. The only reason to shill is if you think it's a ponzi.

Holy fuck. The redditor outs himself. If there were any doubt as to the people shilling this coin to reddit, look no further than here.

Gees whales are getting increasingly nervous, they are actually accidentally admitting that the normies/redditors wont just PnD but will HODL and give us more price support and long term growth.

It must suck knowing that today was the last time you will EVER get the PnD Link you whale piece of shit.

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